Amy Grant
Christmas Lullaby (i Will Lead You Home)

Are you far away from home
This dark and lonely night
Tell me what best would help
To ease your mind
Someone to give
Direction for this unfamiliar road
Or one who says, "Follow me and I
will lead you home."

How beautiful
How precious
The Savior of all
To love so
The loneliest soul
how gently
how tenderly
He says to one and all,
"Child you can follow Me an
I will lead you home
Trust Me and follow Me
And I will lead you home."

Be near me, Lord Jesus
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray
Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care
And take us to Heaven
To live with Thee there
Take us to Heaven
To live with Thee there

Mirror lyrics:

To live with Thee there
Take us to Heaven
To live with Thee there
And take us to Heaven
In Thy tender care
Bless all the dear children
And love me I pray
Close by me forever
I ask Thee to stay
Be near me, Lord Jesus

And I will lead you home."
Trust Me and follow Me
I will lead you home
"Child you can follow Me an
He says to one and all,
how tenderly
how gently
The loneliest soul
To love so
The Savior of all
How precious
How beautiful

will lead you home."
Or one who says, "Follow me and I
Direction for this unfamiliar road
Someone to give
To ease your mind
Tell me what best would help
This dark and lonely night
Are you far away from home

Relevant Tags:
CChristmas LLullaby ((i WWill LLead YYou HHome) hristmas ullaby i ill ead ou ome) hCristmas uLllaby i( iWll eLad oYu oHme)
fhristmas kullaby (ii aill kead gou jome) fChristmas kLullaby ( aWill kLead gYou jHome) Cfhristmas Lkullaby (i Waill Lkead Ygou Hjome)
xhristmas oullaby (j 3ill oead hou uome) xChristmas oLullaby (ji 3Will oLead hYou uHome) Cxhristmas Loullaby (ij W3ill Loead Yhou Huome)
vhristmas pullaby (9 dill pead 6ou nome) vChristmas pLullaby (9i dWill pLead 6You nHome) Cvhristmas Lpullaby (i9 Wdill Lpead Y6ou Hnome)
dhristmas Luullaby (l eill Leead uou bome) dChristmas Lllaby (li eWill Lad uYou bHome) Cdhristmas Llulaby (il Weill Laed Yuou Hbome)
Chhristmas Lhllaby (o sill Lsad 7ou gome) Cristmas Lhullaby (oi sWill Lsead 7You gHome) Crhistmas Luhllaby (io Wsill Lesad Y7ou Hgome)
Cjristmas L7llaby (k 2ill L3ad jou yome) Cjhristmas L7ullaby (ki 2Will L3ead jYou yHome) Chjristmas Lu7llaby (ik W2ill Le3ad Yjou Hyome)
Curistmas Lkllaby (8 qill Lfad tou Hoome) Cuhristmas (8i qWill Lfead tYou Hme) Churistmas Lukllaby (i8 Wqill Lefad Ytou Hmoe)
Cnristmas Lillaby (u Wiill Lrad Yoou Hkme) Cnhristmas Liullaby (ui Wll Lread Yu Hkome) Chnristmas Luillaby (iu Wlil Lerad Yuo Hokme)
Cbristmas L8llaby Wjll L4ad Yku H9me) Cbhristmas L8ullaby Wjill L4ead Ykou H9ome) Chbristmas Lu8llaby Wijll Le4ad Yoku Ho9me)
Cgristmas Ljllaby W9ll Ldad Y9u H0me) Cghristmas Ljullaby W9ill Ldead Y9ou H0ome) Chgristmas Lujllaby Wi9ll Ledad Yo9u Ho0me)
Cyristmas Lyllaby Wlll Lwad Y0u Hlme) Cyhristmas Lyullaby Wlill Lwead Y0ou Hlome) Chyristmas Luyllaby Willl Lewad Yo0u Holme)
Chrristmas Lulllaby Woll Leaad Ylu Hime) Chistmas Lulaby Woill Led Ylou Hiome) Chirstmas Lullaby Wioll Leda Yolu Hoime)
Chdistmas Luklaby Wkll Lezd Yiu Homme) Chdristmas Wkill Lezad Yiou Hoe) Chrdistmas Lulklaby Wikll Leazd Yoiu Hoem)
Ch4istmas Luolaby W8ll Leqd Youu Hoje) Ch4ristmas Luollaby W8ill Leqad Yo Hojme) Chr4istmas Lulolaby Wi8ll Leaqd You Homje)
Chgistmas Luplaby Wull Lesd Yoh Hoke) Lupllaby Wuill Yohu Chrgistmas Lulplaby Wiull Leasd Youh Homke)
Chtistmas Lewd Yo7 Hone) Chtristmas Wil Yo7u Honme) Chrtistmas Lulalby Will Leawd You7 Homne)
Ch5istmas Lulkaby Wikl Lexd Yok Homee) Ch5ristmas Lexad Hom) Chr5istmas Lullkaby Wilkl Leaxd Youk Hom)e
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