Amy Diamond
Take Your Time

Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah
Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah

Take your time

If you cage me I'd wanna be free right?
when you're tired you wanna sleep safe at night
We're not changing human nature now
So when you need love I will show you how

But if I tell you my heart is yours then what does it mean?
It is a lie to say that without you I cannot breathe
If the butterfly wings were never meant to fly
Maybe we wouldn't have to say goodbye
Though my heart calls
When your heart wants to run with the wind
Oh I'll be fine
And then maybe come back in the spring
So take your time

When you let go then your soul decides
It is easy to enjoy the ride
We're united, separated, true
And all that is yours you will never lose

But if I tell you my heart is yours then what does it mean?
It is a lie to say that without you I cannot breathe
If the butterfly wings were never meant to fly
Maybe we wouldn't have to say goodbye
Though my heart calls
When your heart wants to run with the wind
Oh I'll be fine
And then maybe come back in the spring
So take your time

Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah
Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah

Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah
Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah

So hard
If the butterfly wings were never meant to fly
Maybe we wouldn't have to say goodbye
Though my heart calls
When your heart wants to run with the wind
Oh I'll be fine
And then maybe come back in the spring
So take your time

Mirror lyrics:

So take your time
And then maybe come back in the spring
Oh I'll be fine
When your heart wants to run with the wind
Though my heart calls
Maybe we wouldn't have to say goodbye
If the butterfly wings were never meant to fly
So hard

Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah
Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah

Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah
Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah

So take your time
And then maybe come back in the spring
Oh I'll be fine
When your heart wants to run with the wind
Though my heart calls
Maybe we wouldn't have to say goodbye
If the butterfly wings were never meant to fly
It is a lie to say that without you I cannot breathe
But if I tell you my heart is yours then what does it mean?

And all that is yours you will never lose
We're united, separated, true
It is easy to enjoy the ride
When you let go then your soul decides

So take your time
And then maybe come back in the spring
Oh I'll be fine
When your heart wants to run with the wind
Though my heart calls
Maybe we wouldn't have to say goodbye
If the butterfly wings were never meant to fly
It is a lie to say that without you I cannot breathe
But if I tell you my heart is yours then what does it mean?

So when you need love I will show you how
We're not changing human nature now
when you're tired you wanna sleep safe at night
If you cage me I'd wanna be free right?

Take your time

Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah
Haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaah

Relevant Tags:
TTake YYour TTime ake our ime aTke oYur iTme fake gour fime fTake gYour fTime Tfake Ygour Tfime 5ake hour 5ime 5Take hYour 5Time
T5ake Yhour T5ime hake 6our hime hTake 6Your hTime Thake Y6our Thime yake uour yime yTake uYour yTime Tyake Yuour Tyime 6ake 7our 6ime
6Take 7Your 6Time T6ake Y7our T6ime gake jour gime gTake jYour gTime Tgake Yjour Tgime rake tour rime rTake tYour rTime Trake Ytour Trime
Taake Yoour Tiime Tke Yur Tme Tkae Yuor Tmie Tzke Ykur Tjme Tzake Ykour Tjime Tazke Yokur Tijme Tqke Y9ur T9me Tqake Y9our T9ime
Taqke Yo9ur Ti9me Tske Y0ur Tlme Tsake Y0our Tlime Taske Yo0ur Tilme Twke Ylur Tome Twake Ylour Toime Tawke Yolur Tiome Txke Yiur Tkme
Txake Yiour Tkime Taxke Yoiur Tikme Takke Youur T8me Tae Yor T8ime

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