Amos Lee
Out Of The Cold (feat. Pieta Brown)

It’s hard dark you a have a bull prove is,
As you can walk straight with a bull in your chest,
Another man down with the flag defoe,
It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold.

Two …and I want to see you cry,
Not the same can be safeless…,
Yes by love ..and hold,
It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold,
It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold,
Mmmm, mmm, mmm.

Looking at the pictures upon the sheft,
Feel I’m in shadow sad,
22 years till the fears so ..
It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold,
It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold,
It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold,
It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold.

Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.

Mirror lyrics:

Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.

It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold.
It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold,
It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold,
It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold,
22 years till the fears so ..
Feel I’m in shadow sad,
Looking at the pictures upon the sheft,

Mmmm, mmm, mmm.
It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold,
It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold,
Yes by love ..and hold,
Not the same can be safeless…,
Two …and I want to see you cry,

It takes a lot of love and comin’ out of cold.
Another man down with the flag defoe,
As you can walk straight with a bull in your chest,
It’s hard dark you a have a bull prove is,

Relevant Tags:
OOut OOf TThe CCold ((feat. PPieta BBrown) ut f he old feat. ieta rown) uOt fO hTe oCld f(eat. iPeta rBown) kut kf fhe fold (ffeat. 0ieta vrown) kOut kOf fThe fCold (eat. 0Pieta vBrown)
Okut Okf Tfhe Cfold (efat. P0ieta Bvrown) 9ut 9f 5he xold (ceat. lieta grown) 9Out 9Of 5The xCold (cfeat. lPieta gBrown) O9ut O9f T5he Cxold (fceat. Plieta Bgrown) 0ut 0f hhe vold (reat. oieta nrown)
0Out 0Of hThe vCold (rfeat. oPieta nBrown) O0ut O0f Thhe Cvold (freat. Poieta Bnrown) lut lf yhe dold (geat. Piieta hrown) lOut lOf yThe dCold (gfeat. Peta hBrown) Olut Olf Tyhe Cdold (fgeat. Peita Bhrown)
iut if 6he Coold (teat. Pjeta Brrown) iOut iOf 6The Cld (tfeat. Pjieta Bown) Oiut Oif T6he Clod (fteat. Pijeta Borwn) Ouut Off ghe Ckld (veat. P9eta Bdown) Ot O gThe Ckold (vfeat. P9ieta Bdrown)
Otu Of Tghe Cokld (fveat. Pi9eta Brdown) Oht Oc rhe C9ld (deat. Pleta B4own) Ohut Ocf rThe C9old (dfeat. B4rown) Ouht Ofc Trhe Co9ld (fdeat. Pileta Br4own) O7t Or C0ld (feeat. Poeta Bgown)
O7ut Orf Te C0old (fat. Ou7t Ofr Teh Co0ld (faet. Pioeta Brgown) Okt Og Tje Clld (fsat. Pketa Btown) Ogf Tjhe Clold (fseat. Pkieta Btrown) Oukt Ofg Thje Colld (fesat. Piketa Brtown)
Oit Ot Tue Cild (f3at. P8eta B5own) Otf Tuhe Ciold (f3eat. P8ieta B5rown) Ouit Oft Thue Coild (fe3at. Pi8eta Br5own) O8t Ov Tne (ffat. Pueta Bfown) O8ut Ovf Tnhe Cod Puieta Bfrown)
Ou8t Ofv Thne Codl (fefat. Piueta Brfown) Ojt Od Tbe Cokd (frat. Pieeta Beown) Ojut Odf Tbhe Pita Berown) Oujt Ofd Thbe Colkd (ferat. Pitea Breown) Oyt Tge Cood (f4at. Pista Broown)
Oyut (f4eat. Piseta Brwn) Ouyt Thge Colod (fe4at. Piesta Brwon) Outt Tye Copd (fdat. Pi3ta Brkwn) Ou Copld Pi3eta Brkown) Out Thye Colpd (fedat. Pie3ta Brokwn)
Ouf Thee Coldd (fwat. Pifta Br9wn) Ouft Th Col (fweat. Pifeta Br9own) Outf The Cold (fewat. Piefta Bro9wn) Ou5 Ths Colx (feaat. Pirta Br0wn)

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