Andreas Johnson
Greatest Day

Caught the mystic in your eyes
black as ink and dark as night
you run your fingers through my hair
your eyes speak what my mouth won't dare to say
never let me go – I swear
baby today will be the greatest day of all
and you will be everything you want to be today
baby this is the greatest day.
Caught the weakness in your smile
a sign of something that you can't deny
you look so peaceful when you say
this mad existence I would never ever give away
so never let me go my love
baby today will be the greatest day
of all and you will be everything
you want to be today
baby this is the greatest day
today will be the gratest day today
baby the world on your shoulders
baby it soon will be over
so take this time and make the greatest day
Caught the mystic in your eyes
black as ink and sweet as the stars at night

Mirror lyrics:

black as ink and sweet as the stars at night
Caught the mystic in your eyes
so take this time and make the greatest day
baby it soon will be over
baby the world on your shoulders
today will be the gratest day today
baby this is the greatest day
you want to be today
of all and you will be everything
baby today will be the greatest day
so never let me go my love
this mad existence I would never ever give away
you look so peaceful when you say
a sign of something that you can't deny
Caught the weakness in your smile
baby this is the greatest day.
and you will be everything you want to be today
baby today will be the greatest day of all
never let me go – I swear
your eyes speak what my mouth won't dare to say
you run your fingers through my hair
black as ink and dark as night
Caught the mystic in your eyes

Relevant Tags:
GGreatest DDay reatest ay rGeatest aDy hreatest xay hGreatest xDay Ghreatest Dxay yreatest eay yGreatest eDay Gyreatest Deay
breatest fay bGreatest fDay Gbreatest Dfay vreatest ray vGreatest rDay Gvreatest Dray freatest cay fGreatest cDay Gfreatest Dcay
treatest say tGreatest sDay Gtreatest Dsay Grreatest Daay Geatest Dy Geratest Dya Gdeatest Dzy Gdreatest Dzay Grdeatest Dazy
G4eatest Dqy G4reatest Dqay Gr4eatest Daqy Ggeatest Dsy Ggreatest Grgeatest Dasy Gteatest Dwy Dway Grteatest Dawy
G5eatest Dxy G5reatest Gr5eatest Daxy Gfeatest Dayy Da Grfeatest Day Geeatest Dag Gereatest Dagy Greeatest Dayg
Dah Gratest Dahy Graetest Dayh Grsatest Da6 Grseatest Da6y Gresatest Day6 Gr3atest Dau Gr3eatest Dauy Gre3atest Dayu
Grfatest Da7 Da7y Grefatest Day7 Grratest Daj Dajy Greratest Dayj Gr4atest Dat Daty Gre4atest Dayt
Grdatest Gredatest Grwatest Grweatest Grewatest Greaatest Gretest Gretaest Greztest
Grezatest Greaztest Greqtest Greqatest Greaqtest Grestest Greastest Grewtest

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