Andrea Corr
Shame On You (to Keep My Love From Me)

You left me thinking what a bore
I'm always stuck inside
I've got a feeling there is more
Than I've been left behind
A lot of pain a lot of noise
That these four walls hide
Happy faces go to war
And dance upon the mines

Come, come join, come join, come join us
You're barely young, come join us

Shame on you, shame on you
Shame on you to keep my love from me

You planted me in foreign ground
A pen within a hand
At least I am not on my own
In hell I have a friend
And though I find the sin of shame
It isn't my crusade
Pretty faces in a war
Asleep in open graves

Come, come join, come join, come join us
You're barely young, come join us
You'll be a man, come join, come join us
You're big and strong, come join us

Shame on you, shame on you
Shame on you to keep my love from me
Shame on you, shame on you
Shame on you to keep my love from me

Close your eyes to see it
Unlock your heart to feel it
Changed his name to a number
But he's somebody's child

Shame on you, shame on you
Shame on you to keep my love from me
Shame on you (close your eyes to see it)
Shame on you (unlock your heart to feel it)
Shame on you (changed his name to a number)
But he's somebody's child

Shame on you (close your eyes to see it)
Shame on you (unlock your heart to feel it)
Shame on you (changed his name to a number)
To keep my love from me

Shame on you, shame on you...

[To Fade]

Mirror lyrics:

[To Fade]

Shame on you, shame on you...

To keep my love from me
Shame on you (changed his name to a number)
Shame on you (unlock your heart to feel it)
Shame on you (close your eyes to see it)

But he's somebody's child
Shame on you (changed his name to a number)
Shame on you (unlock your heart to feel it)
Shame on you (close your eyes to see it)
Shame on you to keep my love from me
Shame on you, shame on you

But he's somebody's child
Changed his name to a number
Unlock your heart to feel it
Close your eyes to see it

Shame on you to keep my love from me
Shame on you, shame on you
Shame on you to keep my love from me
Shame on you, shame on you

You're big and strong, come join us
You'll be a man, come join, come join us
You're barely young, come join us
Come, come join, come join, come join us

Asleep in open graves
Pretty faces in a war
It isn't my crusade
And though I find the sin of shame
In hell I have a friend
At least I am not on my own
A pen within a hand
You planted me in foreign ground

Shame on you to keep my love from me
Shame on you, shame on you

You're barely young, come join us
Come, come join, come join, come join us

And dance upon the mines
Happy faces go to war
That these four walls hide
A lot of pain a lot of noise
Than I've been left behind
I've got a feeling there is more
I'm always stuck inside
You left me thinking what a bore

Relevant Tags:
SShame OOn YYou ((to KKeep MMy LLove FFrom MMe) hame n ou to eep y ove rom e) hSame nO oYu t(o eKep yM oLve rFom eM)
zhame kn gou (tto leep jy kove crom je) zShame kOn gYou (o lKeep jMy kLove cFrom jMe) Szhame Okn Ygou (ot Kleep Mjy Lkove Fcrom Mje)
whame 9n hou (fo oeep ky oove rrom ke) wShame 9On hYou (fto oKeep kMy oLove rFrom kMe) Swhame O9n Yhou (tfo Koeep Mky Loove Frrom Mke)
dhame 0n 6ou (5o meep ny pove grom ne) dShame 0On 6You (5to mKeep nMy pLove gFrom nMe) Sdhame O0n Y6ou (t5o Kmeep Mny Lpove Fgrom Mne)
ehame ln uou (ho jeep Myy trom Mee) eShame lOn uYou (hto jKeep M Lve tFrom M) Sehame Oln Yuou (tho Kjeep My Lvoe Ftrom M)e
xhame in 7ou (yo ieep Mg Lkve vrom Ms) xShame iOn 7You (yto iKeep Mgy vFrom Mse) Sxhame Oin Y7ou (tyo Kieep Myg Lokve Fvrom Mes)
ahame Onn jou (6o Keeep Mh L9ve drom M3) aShame O jYou (6to Kep Mhy L9ove dFrom M3e) Sahame On Yjou (t6o Keep Myh Lo9ve Fdrom Me3)
Shhame Om tou (go Ksep M6 L0ve Mf) Same Omn tYou (gto Kseep M6y L0ove Fom Mfe) Sahme Onm Ytou (tgo Kesep My6 Lo0ve Form Mef)
Sjame Oh Yoou (ro K3ep Mu Llve Fdom Mr) Sjhame Ohn Yu (rto K3eep Muy Llove Mre) Shjame Onh Yuo (tro Ke3ep Myu Lolve Frdom Mer)
Suame Oj Yku (too Kfep M7 Live F4om M4) Suhame Ojn Ykou (t Kfeep M7y Liove F4rom M4e) Shuame Onj Yoku (to Kefep My7 Loive Fr4om Me4)
Sname Ob Y9u (tk Krep Mj Lovve Fgom Md) Snhame Obn Y9ou (tko Kreep Loe Mde) Shname Onb Yo9u (tok Kerep Myj Loev Frgom Med)
Sbame Y0u (t9 K4ep Mt Lobe Ftom Mw) Sbhame Y0ou (t9o K4eep Mty Lobve Mwe) Shbame Yo0u (to9 Ke4ep Myt Lovbe Frtom Mew)
Sgame Ylu (t0 Kdep Loce F5om Me)) Sghame Ylou (t0o Kdeep Locve F5rom Me Shgame Yolu (to0 Kedep Lovce Fr5om Me)
Syame Yiu (tl Kwep Loge Ffom Syhame Yiou (tlo Kweep Logve Ffrom Shyame Yoiu (tol Kewep Lovge Frfom
Shaame Youu (ti Lofe Feom Shme Yo (tio Lofve Ferom Shmae You (toi Kepe Lovfe Freom
Shzme Yoh Kesp Lovee Froom Shzame Yohu Lov Frm Shazme Youh Keesp Love Frmo

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