Garden Of Peace

I look inside at the scarlet room
Places to hide in the dusty gloom
A noisy clock and a silver spoon

A china cup on the mantlepiece
Gathering dust as it did in the east
And just outside lies the garden of peace

Oh, tell me is this really true
Can it be, peace has come to me and you
Tell me over, over and over
Tell me is this really happening

Inside this world it's beautiful
Peace in this garden has come true

A mirror pond reflects the dawn
Over the banks, 'cross the emerald lawn
A breeze has come and I'm carried along

So follow the path through the knowing trees
And each time you laugh, it is love you release
That love will come back in the garden of peace

So, tell me is this really true
Can it be, peace has come to me and you
Tell me over, over and over
Tell me is this really happening

Inside this world it's beautiful
Peace in the garden has come true

Oh, tell me is this really true
Can it be, peace has come to me and you
Tell me over, over and over
Tell me is this really happening

Inside this world it's beautiful
Peace in the garden has come true...

Mirror lyrics:

Peace in the garden has come true...
Inside this world it's beautiful

Tell me is this really happening
Tell me over, over and over
Can it be, peace has come to me and you
Oh, tell me is this really true

Peace in the garden has come true
Inside this world it's beautiful

Tell me is this really happening
Tell me over, over and over
Can it be, peace has come to me and you
So, tell me is this really true

That love will come back in the garden of peace
And each time you laugh, it is love you release
So follow the path through the knowing trees

A breeze has come and I'm carried along
Over the banks, 'cross the emerald lawn
A mirror pond reflects the dawn

Peace in this garden has come true
Inside this world it's beautiful

Tell me is this really happening
Tell me over, over and over
Can it be, peace has come to me and you
Oh, tell me is this really true

And just outside lies the garden of peace
Gathering dust as it did in the east
A china cup on the mantlepiece

A noisy clock and a silver spoon
Places to hide in the dusty gloom
I look inside at the scarlet room

Relevant Tags:
GGarden OOf PPeace arden f eace aGrden fO ePace harden kf 0eace hGarden kOf 0Peace Gharden Okf P0eace yarden 9f leace
yGarden 9Of lPeace Gyarden O9f Pleace barden 0f oeace bGarden 0Of oPeace Gbarden O0f Poeace varden lf Peeace vGarden lOf Pace
Gvarden Olf Paece farden if Psace fGarden iOf Pseace Gfarden Oif Pesace tarden Off P3ace tGarden O P3eace Gtarden Of Pe3ace
Gaarden Oc Pface Grden Ocf Pfeace Graden Ofc Peface Gzrden Or Prace Gzarden Orf Preace Gazrden Ofr Perace Gqrden Og P4ace
Gqarden Ogf P4eace Gaqrden Ofg Pe4ace Gsrden Ot Pdace Gsarden Otf Pdeace Gasrden Oft Pedace Gwrden Ov Pwace Gwarden Ovf Pweace
Gawrden Ofv Pewace Gxrden Od Peaace Gxarden Odf Pece Gaxrden Ofd Pecae Garrden Pezce Gaden Pezace Gadren Peazce
Gadden Peqce Gadrden Peqace Gardden Peaqce Ga4den Pesce Ga4rden Gar4den Peasce Gagden Pewce
Gagrden Gargden Peawce Gatden Pexce Gatrden Pexace Gartden Peaxce Ga5den Peacce Ga5rden Peae
Gar5den Peaec

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