Amel Larrieux
If I Loved You

If I loved you,
Time and again I would try to say
All I'd want you to know.

If I loved you,
Words wouldn't come in an easy way
Round in circles I'd go!

Longin' to tell you,
But afraid and shy,
I'd let my golden chances pass me by!

Soon you'd leave me,
Off you would go in the mist of day,
Never, never to know how I loved you
If I loved you.

Mirror lyrics:

If I loved you.
Never, never to know how I loved you
Off you would go in the mist of day,
Soon you'd leave me,

I'd let my golden chances pass me by!
But afraid and shy,
Longin' to tell you,

Round in circles I'd go!
Words wouldn't come in an easy way
If I loved you,

All I'd want you to know.
Time and again I would try to say
If I loved you,

Relevant Tags:
IIf II LLoved YYou f oved ou fI I oLved oYu jf j koved gou jIf jI kLoved gYou Ijf Ij Lkoved Ygou 9f 9 ooved hou 9If 9I oLoved hYou
I9f I9 Looved Yhou lf l poved 6ou lIf lI pLoved 6You Ilf Il Lpoved Y6ou of o uou oIf oI Lved uYou Iof Io Lvoed Yuou kf k Lkved 7ou
kIf kI 7You Ikf Ik Lokved Y7ou 8f 8 L9ved jou 8If 8I L9oved jYou I8f I8 Lo9ved Yjou uf u L0ved tou uIf uI L0oved tYou Iuf Iu Lo0ved Ytou
Iff Llved Yoou I Lloved Yu If Lolved Yuo Ic Lived Yku Icf Lioved Ykou Ifc Loived Yoku Ir Lovved Y9u Irf Loed Y9ou
Ifr Loevd Yo9u Ig Lobed Y0u Igf Lobved Y0ou Ifg Lovbed Yo0u It Loced Ylu Itf Locved Ylou Ift Lovced Yolu Iv Loged Yiu
Ivf Logved Yiou

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