You're The Only Woman

Say now you, you talk about the things I do
But baby I, I'll try n explain the reasons why
Cause I've been thinking about
The things we said late last night
When every word I said just didn't come out right
And you were so afraid that I'd found someone new
But darlin well, there's no need
For what we're going through because
You and I've been in love too long
To worry about tomorrow
Here's a place where we both belong
I know you're the only woman that I'm dreaming of
You're the only woman that I really love

Baby see what a foolish heart has done for me
Darling why would you break my heart and make me cry
Well now you can't go back and change the way things are
And all this foolish talk won't take us very far
And so I hope you're listening cause I'm telling you
About the way I feel and what I'm going through because

You and I've been in love too long
To worry about tomorrow
Here's a place where we both belong
I know you're the only woman that I'm dreaming of
I say you're the only woman that I really love
Don't speak, sh-h-h

When the pain of love surrounds you
And the world may be unkind
I'll put my loving arms around you
And take you far from this place and time because
You and I've been in love too long
To worry about tomorrow
Here's a place where we both belong
I know you're the only woman I've been dreaming of
Baby you're the only woman that I really love
You're the only woman
I know you're the only woman
Well now you're the only woman

Mirror lyrics:

Well now you're the only woman
I know you're the only woman
You're the only woman
Baby you're the only woman that I really love
I know you're the only woman I've been dreaming of
Here's a place where we both belong
To worry about tomorrow
You and I've been in love too long
And take you far from this place and time because
I'll put my loving arms around you
And the world may be unkind
When the pain of love surrounds you

Don't speak, sh-h-h
I say you're the only woman that I really love
I know you're the only woman that I'm dreaming of
Here's a place where we both belong
To worry about tomorrow
You and I've been in love too long

About the way I feel and what I'm going through because
And so I hope you're listening cause I'm telling you
And all this foolish talk won't take us very far
Well now you can't go back and change the way things are
Darling why would you break my heart and make me cry
Baby see what a foolish heart has done for me

You're the only woman that I really love
I know you're the only woman that I'm dreaming of
Here's a place where we both belong
To worry about tomorrow
You and I've been in love too long
For what we're going through because
But darlin well, there's no need
And you were so afraid that I'd found someone new
When every word I said just didn't come out right
The things we said late last night
Cause I've been thinking about
But baby I, I'll try n explain the reasons why
Say now you, you talk about the things I do

Relevant Tags:
YYou're TThe OOnly WWoman ou're he nly oman oYu're hTe nOly oWman gou're fhe knly aoman gYou're fThe kOnly aWoman Ygou're Tfhe Oknly Waoman
hou're 5he 9nly 3oman hYou're 5The 9Only 3Woman Yhou're T5he O9nly W3oman 6ou're hhe 0nly doman 6You're hThe 0Only dWoman Y6ou're Thhe O0nly Wdoman
uou're yhe lnly eoman uYou're yThe lOnly eWoman Yuou're Tyhe Olnly Weoman 7ou're 6he inly soman 7You're 6The iOnly sWoman Y7ou're T6he Oinly Wsoman
jou're ghe Onnly 2oman jYou're gThe Oly 2Woman Yjou're Tghe Olny W2oman tou're rhe Omly qoman tYou're rThe Omnly qWoman Ytou're Trhe Onmly Wqoman
Yoou're Ohly Wooman Yu're Te Ohnly Wman Yuo're Teh Onhly Wmoan Yku're Tje Ojly Wkman Ykou're Tjhe Ojnly Wkoman Yoku're Thje Onjly Wokman
Y9u're Tue Obly W9man Y9ou're Tuhe Obnly W9oman Yo9u're Thue Onbly Wo9man Y0u're Tne Onlly W0man Y0ou're Tnhe Ony W0oman Yo0u're Thne Onyl Wo0man
Ylu're Tbe Onky Wlman Ylou're Tbhe Onkly Wloman Yolu're Thbe Onlky Wolman Yiu're Tge Onoy Wiman Yiou're Onoly Wioman Yoiu're Thge Onloy Woiman
Youu're Tye Onpy Womman Yo're Onply Woan Yo'ure Thye Onlpy Woamn Yoh're Thee Onlyy Wojan Yohu're Th Onl Wojman Youh're The Only Womjan
Yo7're Ths Onlg Wokan Yo7u're Thse Onlgy You7're Thes Onlyg Womkan Yok're Th3 Onlh Wonan Th3e Onlhy Wonman Youk're The3 Onlyh Womnan
Yoi're Thf Onl6 Womaan

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