House Mix 2000 With Whitney Houston, Amber And Mad

I've been looking out and searching just to find alittle fun
Never thought I would get me some
So I got myself together and I found little this song
Now I got a party going on ohhh!

If you have respect in
your life will be better
your life will be better
your life will be better
If you have respect in
your life will be better
If you buy
If you buy
If you buy
ba da da da da
ba da da da da

I was working on a diamond
Better take a rest
My life was complicated just a mess
Now everyday is a holiday
And all I do is dance
Oh I got a party in my Benz

If you have respect in
your life will be better
your life will be better
your life will be better
If you have respect in
your life will be better
ba da da da da
ba da da da da

I never knew life could be so fabulous

Mirror lyrics:

I never knew life could be so fabulous

ba da da da da
ba da da da da
your life will be better
If you have respect in
your life will be better
your life will be better
your life will be better
If you have respect in

Oh I got a party in my Benz
And all I do is dance
Now everyday is a holiday
My life was complicated just a mess
Better take a rest
I was working on a diamond

ba da da da da
ba da da da da
If you buy
If you buy
If you buy
your life will be better
If you have respect in
your life will be better
your life will be better
your life will be better
If you have respect in

Now I got a party going on ohhh!
So I got myself together and I found little this song
Never thought I would get me some
I've been looking out and searching just to find alittle fun

Relevant Tags:
HHouse MMix 22000 WWith WWhitney HHouston, AAmber AAnd MMad ouse ix 000 ith hitney ouston, mber nd ad
oHuse iMx 0200 iWth hWitney oHuston, mAber nAd aMd jouse jix 3000 aith ahitney jouston, zmber znd jad
jHouse jMix 32000 aWith aWhitney jHouston, zAmber zAnd jMad Hjouse Mjix 23000 Waith Wahitney Hjouston, Azmber Aznd Mjad
uouse kix q000 3ith 3hitney uouston, qmber qnd kad uHouse kMix q2000 3With 3Whitney uHouston, qAmber qAnd kMad
Huouse Mkix 2q000 W3ith W3hitney Huouston, Aqmber Aqnd Mkad nouse nix w000 dith dhitney nouston, smber snd nad
nHouse nMix w2000 dWith dWhitney nHouston, sAmber sAnd nMad Hnouse Mnix 2w000 Wdith Wdhitney Hnouston, Asmber Asnd Mnad
bouse Miix 1000 eith ehitney bouston, wmber wnd Maad bHouse Mx 12000 eWith eWhitney bHouston, wAmber wAnd Md
Hbouse Mxi 21000 Weith Wehitney Hbouston, Awmber Awnd Mda gouse Mjx 20000 sith shitney gouston, xmber xnd Mzd
gHouse 200 sWith sWhitney gHouston, xAmber xAnd Mzad Hgouse Mijx 2000 Wsith Wshitney Hgouston, Axmber Axnd Mazd
youse M9x 2p00 2ith 2hitney youston, Ammber Annd Mqd yHouse M9ix 2p000 2With 2Whitney yHouston, Aber Ad Mqad
Hyouse Mi9x 20p00 W2ith W2hitney Hyouston, Abmer Adn Maqd Hoouse Mlx 2900 qith qhitney Hoouston, Ajber Amd Msd
Huse Mlix 29000 qWith qWhitney Huston, Ajmber Amnd Msad Huose Milx 20900 Wqith Wqhitney Huoston, Amjber Anmd Masd
Hkuse Mox 2o00 Wiith Whhitney Hkuston, Akber Ahd Mwd Hkouse Moix 2o000 Wth Witney Hkouston, Akmber Ahnd Mwad
Hokuse Miox 20o00 Wtih Wihtney Hokuston, Amkber Anhd Mawd H9use Mkx Wjth Wjitney H9uston, Anber Ajd Mxd
H9ouse Wjith Wjhitney H9ouston, Anmber Ajnd Mxad Ho9use Mikx Wijth Whjitney Ho9uston, Amnber Anjd Maxd
H0use M8x 20p0 W9th Wuitney H0uston, Ambber Abd Madd H0ouse M8ix W9ith Wuhitney H0ouston, Amer Abnd Ma
Ho0use Mi8x 200p0 Wi9th Whuitney Ho0uston, Amebr Anbd Mad Hluse Mux 2090 Wlth Wnitney Hluston, Amver Andd Max
Hlouse Muix Wlith Wnhitney Hlouston, Amvber An Holuse Miux 20090 Wilth Whnitney Holuston, Ambver And Madx
Hiuse Mixx 20o0 Woth Wbitney Hiuston, Amger Anx Mae Hiouse Mi Woith Wbhitney Hiouston, Amgber Anxd Maed
Hoiuse Mix 200o0 Wioth Whbitney Hoiuston, Ambger Andx Made Houuse Mid Wkth Wgitney Houuston, Amner Ane Maf
Hose Midx Wkith Wghitney Hoston, Aned Mafd Hosue Mixd Wikth Whgitney Hosuton, Ambner Ande Madf
Hohse Miz 200p W8th Wyitney Hohston, Amher Anf Mar Hohuse Mizx W8ith Wyhitney Hohuston, Amhber Anfd Mard
Houhse Mixz 2000p Wi8th Whyitney Houhston, Ambher Andf Madr Ho7se Mic 2009 Wuth Whiitney Ho7ston, Ambeer Anr Mac
Ho7use Micx Wuith Whtney Ho7uston, Ambr Anrd Macd Hou7se Mixc 20009 Wiuth Whtiney Hou7ston, Ambre Andr Madc
Hokse Mis 200o Witth Whjtney Hokston, Ambsr Anc Mas Misx Wih Ambser Ancd
Houkse Mixs 2000o Wiht Whijtney Houkston, Ambesr Andc Mads Hoise Wifh Wh9tney Hoiston, Amb3r Ans
Wifth Wh9itney Amb3er Ansd Houise Witfh Whi9tney Houiston, Ambe3r Ands
Ho8se Wi5h Whltney Ho8ston, Ambfr Ho8use Wi5th Whlitney Ho8uston, Ambfer
Hou8se Wit5h Whiltney Hou8ston, Ambefr Hojse Wihh Whotney Hojston, Ambrr
Hojuse Wihth Whoitney Hojuston, Ambrer Houjse Withh Whiotney Houjston, Amberr

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