American Idol
What Are You Doing To The Rest Of Your Life By Fa

Oo, hooo
What are you doing the rest of your life?
North and South and East and West of your life
I have only one request of your life
That you spend it all with me

I want to see your face in every kind of light
In fields of dawn and forests of the night
And when you stand before the candles on a cake
Oh, let me be the one to hear the silent wish you make

Through all of my life
Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall of my life
That is all I will recall of my life
Is all of my life with you

Mirror lyrics:

Is all of my life with you
That is all I will recall of my life
Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall of my life
Through all of my life

Oh, let me be the one to hear the silent wish you make
And when you stand before the candles on a cake
In fields of dawn and forests of the night
I want to see your face in every kind of light

That you spend it all with me
I have only one request of your life
North and South and East and West of your life
What are you doing the rest of your life?
Oo, hooo

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WWhat AAre YYou DDoing TTo TThe RRest OOf YYour LLife BBy FFa hat re ou oing o he est f our ife y a hWat rAe oYu oDing oT hTe eRst fO oYur iLfe yB aF
ahat zre gou xoing fo fhe dest kf gour kife vy ca aWhat zAre gYou xDoing fTo fThe dRest kOf gYour kLife vBy cFa Wahat Azre Ygou Dxoing Tfo Tfhe Rdest Okf Ygour Lkife Bvy Fca
3hat qre hou eoing 5o 5he 4est 9f hour oife gy ra 3What qAre hYou eDoing 5To 5The 4Rest 9Of hYour oLife gBy rFa W3hat Aqre Yhou Deoing T5o T5he R4est O9f Yhour Loife Bgy Fra
dhat sre 6ou foing ho hhe gest 0f 6our pife ny ga dWhat sAre 6You fDoing hTo hThe gRest 0Of 6Your pLife nBy gFa Wdhat Asre Y6ou Dfoing Tho Thhe Rgest O0f Y6our Lpife Bny Fga
ehat wre uou roing yo yhe test lf uour Liife hy ta eWhat wAre uYou rDoing yTo yThe tRest lOf uYour Lfe hBy tFa Wehat Awre Yuou Droing Tyo Tyhe Rtest Olf Yuour Lfie Bhy Fta
shat xre 7ou coing 6o 6he 5est if 7our Ljfe Byy va sWhat xAre 7You cDoing 6To 6The 5Rest iOf 7Your Ljife B vFa Wshat Axre Y7ou Dcoing T6o T6he R5est Oif Y7our Lijfe By Fva
2hat Arre jou soing go ghe fest Off jour L9fe Bg da 2What Ae jYou sDoing gTo gThe fRest O jYour L9ife dFa W2hat Aer Yjou Dsoing Tgo Tghe Rfest Of Yjour Li9fe Byg Fda
qhat Ade tou Dooing ro rhe eest Oc tour Llfe Bh Faa qWhat Adre tYou Ding rTo rThe eRest Ocf tYour Llife F Wqhat Arde Ytou Diong Tro Trhe Reest Ofc Ytour Lilfe Byh Fa
Whhat A4e Yoou Dking Too Or Yoour Lofe B6 Fz Wat A4re Yu Dkoing T Te Rst Orf Yur B6y Fza Waht Ar4e Yuo Doking To Teh Rset Ofr Yuor Liofe By6 Faz
Wjat Age Yku D9ing Tk Tje Rsst Og Ykur Lkfe Bu Fq Wjhat Agre Ykou D9oing Tko Tjhe Rsest Ogf Ykour Buy Fqa Whjat Arge Yoku Do9ing Tok Thje Resst Ofg Yokur Likfe Byu Faq
Wuat Ate Y9u D0ing T9 Tue R3st Ot Y9ur L8fe B7 Fs Wuhat Atre Y9ou D0oing T9o Tuhe R3est Otf Y9our L8ife B7y Fsa Whuat Arte Yo9u Do0ing To9 Thue Re3st Oft Yo9ur Li8fe By7 Fas
Wnat A5e Y0u Dling T0 Tne Rfst Ov Y0ur Lufe Bj Fw Wnhat A5re Y0ou Dloing T0o Tnhe Ovf Y0our Luife Bjy Fwa Whnat Ar5e Yo0u Doling To0 Thne Refst Ofv Yo0ur Liufe Byj Faw
Wbat Afe Ylu Diing Tl Tbe Rrst Od Ylur Liffe Bt Fx Wbhat Afre Ylou Dioing Tlo Tbhe Rrest Odf Ylour Lie Bty Fxa Whbat Arfe Yolu Doiing Tol Thbe Rerst Ofd Yolur Lief Byt Fax
Wgat Aee Yiu Ti Tge R4st Yiur Lice Wghat Aere Yiou Dong Tio Yiour Licfe Whgat Aree Yoiu Donig Toi Thge Re4st Yoiur Lifce
Wyat Youu Dojng Tye Rdst Youur Lire Wyhat Ar Yo Dojing Yor Lirfe Whyat Are You Doijng Thye Redst Yoru Lifre
Whaat Ars Yoh Do9ng Thee Rwst Yohr Lige

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