American Idol
Sweet Home Alabama

Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama (c'mon y'all put your hands together)
Lord I'm coming home to you

In Birmingham they love the governor
Now we all did what we could do
Now Watergate does not concern me
Does your conscience bother you?

Sweet home Alabama (c'mon c'mon c'mon y'all)
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama
Lord I'm comin' home to you

Sweet home Alabama (c'mon y'all put your hands together)
Sweet home Alabama
Oohhhhh yeahhhhhh

Mirror lyrics:

Oohhhhh yeahhhhhh
Sweet home Alabama
Sweet home Alabama (c'mon y'all put your hands together)

Lord I'm comin' home to you
Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama (c'mon c'mon c'mon y'all)

Does your conscience bother you?
Now Watergate does not concern me
Now we all did what we could do
In Birmingham they love the governor

Lord I'm coming home to you
Sweet home Alabama (c'mon y'all put your hands together)
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama

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wweet uome qlabama wSweet uHome qAlabama Swweet Huome Aqlabama dweet nome slabama dSweet nHome sAlabama Sdweet Hnome Aslabama
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aweet yome Allabama aSweet yHome Aabama Saweet Hyome Aalbama Hoome Akabama Seet Hme Aklabama Sewet Hmoe Alkabama
Saeet Hkme Aoabama Hkome Aolabama Swaeet Hokme Aloabama S3eet H9me Apabama S3weet H9ome Aplabama Sw3eet Ho9me Alpabama
Sdeet H0me Alaabama H0ome Albama Swdeet Ho0me Albaama Seeet Hlme Alzbama Hlome Alzabama Sweeet Holme Alazbama
Sseet Hime Alqbama Ssweet Hiome Alqabama Swseet Hoime Alaqbama S2eet Homme Alsbama S2weet Hoe Alsabama Sw2eet Hoem Alasbama
Sqeet Hoje Alwbama Sqweet Hojme Alwabama Swqeet Homje Alawbama Hoke Alxbama Swet Alxabama Sweet Homke Alaxbama
Swset Hone Alabbama Honme Alaama Sweset Homne Alaabma Sw3et Homee Alavama Hom Alavbama Swe3et Home Alabvama
Swfet Homs Alagama Swfeet Homse Alagbama

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