American Idol
Stuff Like That There Kelly Clarkson

I was alone on a shelf
In a world by myself
Oh, where could my prince charming be
But a man came along
Made my life like a song
And taught me these words of ecstasy

I want some huggin' and some squeezin'
And some muggin' and some teasin'
And some stuff like that there
I want some pettin' and some spoonin'
And some happy honeymoonin'
And some stuff like that there

I used to think that love
Was just a lot of rubbish
A mess o' cabbage, a mess o' cabbage
But now my attitude is
Wholly lovey dovish
And baby, you, you've done it


I used to think romance was bunk
A double mickey a double icky
But all at once my heart was sunk
And baby, you, you've done it

I want some huggin' and some teasin
And some muggin' and some squeezin'
And some stuff like that there

I want some weepin' and some chasin'
And some sweepin' and some pacin'
And some stuff like that there

And when I get a certain feelin' I confess it
I really only know one expression to express it
I want some huggin', squeezin', muggin', teasin'
And some stuff
I want some stuff like that there

Mirror lyrics:

I want some stuff like that there
And some stuff
I want some huggin', squeezin', muggin', teasin'
I really only know one expression to express it
And when I get a certain feelin' I confess it

And some stuff like that there
And some sweepin' and some pacin'
I want some weepin' and some chasin'

And some stuff like that there
And some muggin' and some squeezin'
I want some huggin' and some teasin

And baby, you, you've done it
But all at once my heart was sunk
A double mickey a double icky
I used to think romance was bunk


And baby, you, you've done it
Wholly lovey dovish
But now my attitude is
A mess o' cabbage, a mess o' cabbage
Was just a lot of rubbish
I used to think that love

And some stuff like that there
And some happy honeymoonin'
I want some pettin' and some spoonin'
And some stuff like that there
And some muggin' and some teasin'
I want some huggin' and some squeezin'

And taught me these words of ecstasy
Made my life like a song
But a man came along
Oh, where could my prince charming be
In a world by myself
I was alone on a shelf

Relevant Tags:
SStuff LLike TThat TThere KKelly CClarkson tuff ike hat here elly larkson tSuff iLke hTat hTere eKlly lCarkson
ztuff kike fhat fhere lelly flarkson zStuff kLike fThat fThere lKelly fClarkson Sztuff Lkike Tfhat Tfhere Klelly Cflarkson
wtuff oike 5hat 5here oelly xlarkson wStuff oLike 5That 5There oKelly xClarkson Swtuff Loike T5hat T5here Koelly Cxlarkson
dtuff pike hhat hhere melly vlarkson dStuff pLike hThat hThere mKelly vClarkson Sdtuff Lpike Thhat Thhere Kmelly Cvlarkson
etuff Liike yhat yhere jelly dlarkson eStuff Lke yThat yThere jKelly dClarkson Setuff Lkie Tyhat Tyhere Kjelly Cdlarkson
xtuff Ljke 6hat 6here ielly Cllarkson xStuff Ljike 6That 6There iKelly Carkson Sxtuff Lijke T6hat T6here Kielly Calrkson
atuff L9ke ghat ghere Keelly Ckarkson aStuff L9ike gThat gThere Klly Cklarkson Satuff Li9ke Tghat Tghere Klely Clkarkson
Sttuff Llke rhat rhere Kslly Coarkson Suff Llike rThat rThere Kselly Colarkson Sutff Lilke Trhat Trhere Keslly Cloarkson
Sfuff Loke K3lly Cparkson Sftuff Tat Tere K3elly Cplarkson Stfuff Lioke Taht Tehre Ke3lly Clparkson
S5uff Lkke Tjat Tjere Kflly Claarkson S5tuff Tjhat Tjhere Kfelly Clrkson St5uff Likke Thjat Thjere Keflly Clrakson
Shuff L8ke Tuat Tuere Krlly Clzrkson Shtuff L8ike Tuhat Tuhere Krelly Clzarkson Sthuff Li8ke Thuat Thuere Kerlly Clazrkson
Syuff Luke Tnat Tnere K4lly Clqrkson Sytuff Luike Tnhat Tnhere K4elly Clqarkson Styuff Liuke Thnat Thnere Ke4lly Claqrkson
S6uff Tbat Tbere Kdlly Clsrkson S6tuff Lie Tbhat Tbhere Kdelly Clsarkson St6uff Liek Thbat Thbere Kedlly Clasrkson
Sguff Lile Tgat Tgere Kwlly Clwrkson Sgtuff Kwelly Clwarkson Stguff Likle Thgat Thgere Kewlly Clawrkson
Sruff Lioe Tyat Tyere Kellly Clxrkson Srtuff Kely Clxarkson Struff Likoe Thyat Thyere Kelly Claxrkson
Stuuff Lime Thaat Theere Kekly Clarrkson Stff Limke Tht Thre Keklly Clakson Stfuf Likme Thta Three Kelkly Clakrson
Sthff Lije Thzt Thsre Keoly Cladkson Thzat Thsere Keolly Cladrkson Stuhff Likje Thazt Thesre Keloly Clardkson
St7ff Liie Thqt Th3re Keply Cla4kson St7uff Thqat Th3ere Keplly Cla4rkson Stu7ff Likie Thaqt The3re Kelply Clar4kson
Stkff Likee Thst Thfre Clagkson Stkuff Lik Thsat Thfere Clagrkson Stukff Like Thast Thefre Kelyl Clargkson
Stiff Liks Thwt Thrre Kelky Clatkson Stiuff Likse Thwat Threre Clatrkson Stuiff Likes Thawt Therre Kellky Clartkson
St8ff Lik3 Thxt Th4re Keloy Cla5kson St8uff Lik3e Thxat Th4ere Cla5rkson Stu8ff Like3 Thaxt The4re Kelloy Clar5kson
Stjff Likf Thatt Thdre Kelpy Clafkson Stjuff Likfe Tha Thdere Clafrkson Stujff Likef That Thedre Kellpy Clarfkson
Styff Likr Thaf Thwre Kellyy Claekson Likre Thaft Thwere Kell Claerkson Stuyff Liker Thatf Thewre Clarekson
Stufff Lik4 Tha5 Kellg Clarkkson Stuf Lik4e Tha5t Thee Kellgy Clarson

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