American Idol
The One (jose Miranda)


I saw you dancing in the ocean
running fast along the sand
spirits born of earth and water
fire flying from your hand

In the instant that you love someone
from the second the hammer hits
reality runs up your spine
and the beast is finally fed

And all I ever needed was the one (the one)
like freedom fields
where wild horses run
when stars collide
like you and I
no shadows block the sun

Your all I ever needed
baby you are the one

Mirror lyrics:

baby you are the one
Your all I ever needed

no shadows block the sun
like you and I
when stars collide
where wild horses run
like freedom fields
And all I ever needed was the one (the one)

and the beast is finally fed
reality runs up your spine
from the second the hammer hits
In the instant that you love someone

fire flying from your hand
spirits born of earth and water
running fast along the sand
I saw you dancing in the ocean


Relevant Tags:
TThe OOne ((jose MMiranda) he ne jose iranda) hTe nOe j(ose iMranda) fhe kne (jjose jiranda) fThe kOne (ose jMiranda) Tfhe Okne (ojse Mjiranda)
5he 9ne (kose kiranda) 5The 9One (kjose kMiranda) T5he O9ne (jkose Mkiranda) hhe 0ne (iose niranda) hThe 0One (ijose nMiranda) Thhe O0ne (jiose Mniranda)
yhe lne (mose Miiranda) yThe lOne (mjose Mranda) Tyhe Olne (jmose Mrianda) 6he ine (nose Mjranda) 6The iOne (njose T6he Oine (jnose Mijranda)
ghe Onne (hose M9randa) gThe Oe (hjose M9iranda) Tghe Oen (jhose Mi9randa) rhe Ome (uose Mlranda) rThe Omne (ujose Mliranda) Trhe Onme (juose Milranda)
Ohe (joose Moranda) Te Ohne (jse Moiranda) Teh Onhe (jsoe Mioranda) Tje Oje (jkse Mkranda) Tjhe Ojne Thje Onje (jokse Mikranda)
Tue Obe (j9se M8randa) Tuhe Obne (j9ose M8iranda) Thue Onbe (jo9se Mi8randa) Tne Onee (j0se Muranda) Tnhe On (j0ose Muiranda) Thne One (jo0se Miuranda)
Tbe Ons (jlse Mirranda) Tbhe Onse (jlose Mianda) Thbe Ones (jolse Miarnda) Tge On3 (jise Midanda) On3e Midranda) Thge One3 (joise Mirdanda)
Tye Onf (josse Mi4anda) Onfe (joe Mi4randa) Thye Onef (joes Mir4anda) Thee Onr (joze Miganda) Th Onre (jozse Migranda) The Oner (josze Mirganda)
Ths On4 (jowe Mitanda) Thse On4e (jowse Mitranda) Thes One4 (joswe Mirtanda) Th3 Ond (jode Mi5anda) Th3e Onde (jodse Mi5randa) The3 Oned (josde Mir5anda)
Thf Onw (joee Mifanda) Thfe Onwe (joese Mifranda) Thef Onew (josee Mirfanda) Thr (joxe Mieanda) Thre (joxse Mieranda) Ther (josxe Mireanda)
Th4 (joae Miraanda) Th4e (joase Mirnda) The4 (josae Mirnada) Thd Mirznda) Thde (jos Mirzanda) Thed (jose Miraznda)

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