American Idol
New York State Of Mind

Some folks like to get away
Take a holiday from the neighborhood
Hop a flight to Miami Beach
Or to Hollywood
But I'm taking the Greyhound
On the Hudson River Line
I'm in a New York state of mind, yeah

Comes down to reality
And it's fine with me cause I've let it slide
Don't care if it's Chinatown or on Riverside
I don't have any reasons
I've left them all behind
I'm in a New York state of mind

Yeahh ohhhhh yeahhhhh wohhhhaa oohhh
New York state of mind
Ohh, I'm in a New York state of mind

Mirror lyrics:

Ohh, I'm in a New York state of mind
New York state of mind
Yeahh ohhhhh yeahhhhh wohhhhaa oohhh

I'm in a New York state of mind
I've left them all behind
I don't have any reasons
Don't care if it's Chinatown or on Riverside
And it's fine with me cause I've let it slide
Comes down to reality

I'm in a New York state of mind, yeah
On the Hudson River Line
But I'm taking the Greyhound
Or to Hollywood
Hop a flight to Miami Beach
Take a holiday from the neighborhood
Some folks like to get away

Relevant Tags:
NNew YYork SState OOf MMind ew ork tate f ind eNw oYrk tSate fO iMnd mew gork ztate kf jind mNew gYork zState kOf jMind Nmew Ygork Sztate Okf Mjind
hew hork wtate 9f kind hNew hYork wState 9Of kMind Nhew Yhork Swtate O9f Mkind jew 6ork dtate 0f nind jNew 6York dState 0Of nMind Njew Y6ork Sdtate O0f Mnind
bew uork etate lf Miind bNew uYork eState lOf Mnd Nbew Yuork Setate Olf Mnid Neew 7ork xtate if Mjnd Nw 7York xState iOf Nwe Y7ork Sxtate Oif Mijnd
Nsw jork atate Off M9nd Nsew jYork aState O M9ind Nesw Yjork Satate Of Mi9nd N3w tork Sttate Oc Mlnd N3ew tYork Sate Ocf Mlind Ne3w Ytork Satte Ofc Milnd
Nfw Yoork Sfate Or Mond Nfew Yrk Sftate Orf Moind Nefw Yrok Stfate Ofr Miond Nrw Ykrk S5ate Og Mknd Nrew Ykork S5tate Ogf Nerw Yokrk St5ate Ofg Miknd
N4w Y9rk Shate Ot M8nd N4ew Y9ork Shtate Otf M8ind Ne4w Yo9rk Sthate Oft Mi8nd Ndw Y0rk Syate Ov Mund Ndew Y0ork Sytate Ovf Muind Nedw Yo0rk Styate Ofv Miund
Nww Ylrk S6ate Od Minnd Nwew Ylork S6tate Odf Mid Neww Yolrk St6ate Ofd Midn Yirk Sgate Mimd Ne Yiork Sgtate Mimnd New Yoirk Stgate Minmd
Nea Yorrk Srate Mihd Neaw Yok Srtate Mihnd Newa Yokr Strate Minhd Ne3 Yodk Staate Mijd Yodrk Stte New3 Yordk Sttae Minjd
Ned Yo4k Stzte Mibd Yo4rk Stzate Mibnd Newd Yor4k Stazte Minbd Nee Yogk Stqte Mindd Yogrk Stqate Min Newe Yorgk Staqte Mind
Nes Yotk Stste Minx

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