American Juniors
Lucy Hale Get Here

You can reach me by railway
You can reach me by trailway
You can reach me on an airplane
You can reach me with your mind

You can reach me by caravan
Cross the desert like an Arab man
I don't care how you get here
Just get here if you can

There are hills and mountains between us
Always something to get over
If I had my way surely you would be closer
I need you closer
I don't care how you get here
Just get here if you can!

Mirror lyrics:

Just get here if you can!
I don't care how you get here
I need you closer
If I had my way surely you would be closer
Always something to get over
There are hills and mountains between us

Just get here if you can
I don't care how you get here
Cross the desert like an Arab man
You can reach me by caravan

You can reach me with your mind
You can reach me on an airplane
You can reach me by trailway
You can reach me by railway

Relevant Tags:
LLucy HHale GGet HHere ucy ale et ere uLcy aHle eGt eHre kucy jale het jere kLucy jHale hGet jHere Lkucy Hjale Ghet Hjere
oucy uale yet uere oLucy uHale yGet uHere Loucy Huale Gyet Huere pucy nale bet nere pLucy nHale bGet nHere Lpucy Hnale Gbet Hnere
Luucy bale vet bere Lcy bHale vGet bHere Lcuy Hbale Gvet Hbere Lhcy gale fet gere Lhucy gHale fGet gHere Luhcy Hgale Gfet Hgere
L7cy yale tet yere L7ucy yHale tGet yHere Lu7cy Hyale Gtet Hyere Lkcy Haale Geet Heere Hle Gt Hre Lukcy Hlae Gte Hree
Licy Hzle Gst Hsre Liucy Hzale Gset Hsere Luicy Hazle Gest Hesre L8cy Hqle G3t H3re L8ucy Hqale G3et H3ere Lu8cy Haqle Ge3t He3re
Ljcy Hsle Gft Hfre Ljucy Hsale Hfere Lujcy Hasle Geft Hefre Lycy Hwle Grt Hrre Lyucy Hwale Gret Hrere Luycy Hawle Gert Herre
Luccy Hxle G4t H4re Luy Hxale G4et H4ere Luyc Haxle Ge4t He4re Lufy Halle Gdt Hdre Lufcy Hae Gdet Hdere Lucfy Hael Gedt Hedre

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