Amy Macdonald
Your Time Will Come

Oh the wind is gently blowing
As the light begins to fade
I'm sick and tired of playing it up
Stick of this parade
And your eyes are gently weeping
As the sun begins to shine
The end is coming far to soon
I whish I had more time

So soon your time will come
Get out while you're still young
May all your dreams come true
For someone like you
So soon your time will come
Get out while you're still young
May all your dreams come true
So happy for you

Oh my eyes are getting tired
As the day begins to break
I left it all so far behind
My biggest mistake
And your smile is not like mine
It disappears from time to time
But I believe in you
Everything you'll ever do

So soon your time will come
Get out while you're still young
May all your dreams come true
For someone like you
So soon your time will come
Get out while you're still young
May all your dreams come true
So happy for you..

So soon your time will come
Get out while you're still young
May all your dreams come true
For someone like you
So soon your time will come
Get out while you're still young
May all your dreams come true
So happy for you..

Mirror lyrics:

So happy for you..
May all your dreams come true
Get out while you're still young
So soon your time will come
For someone like you
May all your dreams come true
Get out while you're still young
So soon your time will come

So happy for you..
May all your dreams come true
Get out while you're still young
So soon your time will come
For someone like you
May all your dreams come true
Get out while you're still young
So soon your time will come

Everything you'll ever do
But I believe in you
It disappears from time to time
And your smile is not like mine
My biggest mistake
I left it all so far behind
As the day begins to break
Oh my eyes are getting tired

So happy for you
May all your dreams come true
Get out while you're still young
So soon your time will come
For someone like you
May all your dreams come true
Get out while you're still young
So soon your time will come

I whish I had more time
The end is coming far to soon
As the sun begins to shine
And your eyes are gently weeping
Stick of this parade
I'm sick and tired of playing it up
As the light begins to fade
Oh the wind is gently blowing

Relevant Tags:
YYour TTime WWill CCome our ime ill ome oYur iTme iWll oCme gour fime aill fome gYour fTime aWill fCome Ygour Tfime Waill Cfome
hour 5ime 3ill xome hYour 5Time 3Will xCome Yhour T5ime W3ill Cxome 6our hime dill vome 6Your hTime dWill vCome Y6our Thime Wdill Cvome
uour yime eill dome uYour yTime eWill dCome Yuour Tyime Weill Cdome 7our 6ime sill Coome 7Your 6Time sWill Cme Y7our T6ime Wsill Cmoe
jour gime 2ill Ckme jYour gTime 2Will Ckome Yjour Tgime W2ill Cokme tour rime qill C9me tYour rTime qWill C9ome Ytour Trime Wqill Co9me
Yoour Tiime Wiill C0me Yur Tme Wll C0ome Yuor Tmie Wlil Co0me Ykur Tjme Wjll Clme Ykour Tjime Wjill Clome Yokur Tijme Wijll Colme
Y9ur T9me W9ll Cime Y9our T9ime W9ill Ciome Yo9ur Ti9me Wi9ll Coime Y0ur Tlme Wlll Comme Y0our Tlime Wlill Coe Yo0ur Tilme Willl Coem
Ylur Tome Woll Coje Ylour Toime Woill Cojme Yolur Tiome Wioll Comje Yiur Tkme Wkll Coke Yiour Tkime Wkill Yoiur Tikme Wikll Comke
Youur T8me W8ll Cone Yor T8ime W8ill Conme

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