Amy Grant
You Gave Me Love

You gave me time
When no one gave me time of day
You looked deep inside
While the rest of the world looked away
You smiled at me
When there weren't just friends everywhere
You gave me love
When nobody gave me a prayer

That's why I call you Savior
That's why I call You friend
'Cause You touched my heart
You touched my soul
And helped me start all over again
That's why I love You Jesus
That's why I'll always care
'Cause You gave me love
When nobody gave me a prayer

You gave me laughter
After I'd cried all my tears
You heard my dreams
While the rest of the world just closed its ears
I looked in Your eyes and I found such tenderness there
'Cause You gave me love
When nobody gave me a prayer

That's why I call you Savior
That's why I call You friend
'Cause You touched my heart
You touched my soul
And helped me start all over again
And that's why I love You Jesus
That's why I'll always care
'Cause You gave me love
When nobody gave me a prayer
Yes He gives us love
When nobody gives us a prayer...

Mirror lyrics:

When nobody gives us a prayer...
Yes He gives us love
When nobody gave me a prayer
'Cause You gave me love
That's why I'll always care
And that's why I love You Jesus
And helped me start all over again
You touched my soul
'Cause You touched my heart
That's why I call You friend
That's why I call you Savior

When nobody gave me a prayer
'Cause You gave me love
I looked in Your eyes and I found such tenderness there
While the rest of the world just closed its ears
You heard my dreams
After I'd cried all my tears
You gave me laughter

When nobody gave me a prayer
'Cause You gave me love
That's why I'll always care
That's why I love You Jesus
And helped me start all over again
You touched my soul
'Cause You touched my heart
That's why I call You friend
That's why I call you Savior

When nobody gave me a prayer
You gave me love
When there weren't just friends everywhere
You smiled at me
While the rest of the world looked away
You looked deep inside
When no one gave me time of day
You gave me time

Relevant Tags:
YYou GGave MMe LLove ou ave e ove oYu aGve eM oLve gou have je kove gYou hGave jMe kLove Ygou Ghave Mje Lkove hou yave ke oove
hYou yGave kMe oLove Yhou Gyave Mke Loove 6ou bave ne pove 6You bGave nMe pLove Y6ou Gbave Mne Lpove uou vave Mee uYou vGave M Lve
Yuou Gvave Me Lvoe 7ou fave Ms Lkve 7You fGave Mse Y7ou Gfave Mes Lokve jou tave M3 L9ve jYou tGave M3e L9ove Yjou Gtave Me3 Lo9ve
tou Gaave Mf L0ve tYou Gve Mfe L0ove Ytou Gvae Mef Lo0ve Yoou Gzve Mr Llve Yu Gzave Mre Llove Yuo Gazve Mer Lolve Yku Gqve M4 Live
Ykou Gqave M4e Liove Yoku Gaqve Me4 Loive Y9u Gsve Md Lovve Y9ou Gsave Mde Loe Yo9u Gasve Med Loev Y0u Gwve Mw Lobe Y0ou Gwave Mwe Lobve
Yo0u Gawve Mew Lovbe Ylu Gxve Loce Ylou Gxave Locve Yolu Gaxve Lovce

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