Amy Jo Johnson
A Little Bit

Don't ever mistake my patience for being to kind.
Don't ever mistake my solitude for having a good time.

because you pick me up and pour me out
because you pick me up and pour me out

Give me something to believe in.
Give me something to love.
Give me a little bit of anything
and I'll give you a sign from above.

because you pick me up and you pour me out

Don't ever give me the season to move on
because I'll pack up my reasons and I'll be gone.
Don't ever mistake my gratitude for need
because I'll mistake your emptiness for greed.


because you pick me up and you pour me out
because you pick me up and you pour me out

Deliverance is just tangled up misfits in my head.

Don't ever mistake my patience for being to kind.
Don't ever mistake my solitude for having a good time.
because you pick me up and you pour me out


Deliverance is just tangled up misfits in my head.

Mirror lyrics:

Deliverance is just tangled up misfits in my head.


because you pick me up and you pour me out
Don't ever mistake my solitude for having a good time.
Don't ever mistake my patience for being to kind.

Deliverance is just tangled up misfits in my head.

because you pick me up and you pour me out
because you pick me up and you pour me out


because I'll mistake your emptiness for greed.
Don't ever mistake my gratitude for need
because I'll pack up my reasons and I'll be gone.
Don't ever give me the season to move on

because you pick me up and you pour me out

and I'll give you a sign from above.
Give me a little bit of anything
Give me something to love.
Give me something to believe in.

because you pick me up and pour me out
because you pick me up and pour me out

Don't ever mistake my solitude for having a good time.
Don't ever mistake my patience for being to kind.

Relevant Tags:
AA LLittle BBit ittle it A iLttle iBt z kittle vit zA kLittle vBit Az Lkittle Bvit q oittle git qA oLittle gBit Aq Loittle Bgit
s pittle nit sA pLittle nBit As Lpittle Bnit w Liittle hit wA Lttle hBit Aw Ltitle Bhit x Ljttle Biit xA Ljittle Bt Ax Lijttle Bti
L9ttle Bjt L9ittle Bjit Li9ttle Bijt Llttle B9t Llittle B9it Lilttle Bi9t Lottle Blt Blit Liottle Bilt
Lkttle Bot Boit Likttle Biot L8ttle Bkt L8ittle Bkit Li8ttle Bikt Luttle B8t Luittle B8it Liuttle Bi8t
Litttle But Litle Buit Little Biut Liftle Bitt Lifttle Bi Litftle Bit Li5tle Bif Li5ttle Bift Lit5tle Bitf
Lihtle Bi5 Lihttle Bi5t Lithtle Bit5 Liytle Bih Liyttle Biht Litytle Bith Li6tle Biy Li6ttle Biyt Lit6tle Bity

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