Amy Hart
Love Yourself (i Don't Care).

I drive by that brick house
Where we used to live.
All these memories rush back now
Oh, remember when...

You'd sing me a new song
Every single night.
And I'd try to sing along
Just to see you smile.

But now I'm getting older
And you're not around.
And my heart grows colder
Whenever I think about how.
You got up and left me
Stranded, all by myself.
Oh, why don't you love me?
Maybe you don't love yourself.

Now people they ask me
When they see me in town.
They wonder how you're doing
And I teoll them, I don't know.

And I lay awake some nights
Wondering if you miss me too.
Yeah, there's some nights when I cry
And others when I hate you.


You know, it's so hard to say
What I would say today
If I somehow came across you somwhere.
But I can't lie
I know that I wouldn't cry
'Cause there's one thing I've learned how to do
And that's...I don't care.


Mirror lyrics:


And that's...I don't care.
'Cause there's one thing I've learned how to do
I know that I wouldn't cry
But I can't lie
If I somehow came across you somwhere.
What I would say today
You know, it's so hard to say


And others when I hate you.
Yeah, there's some nights when I cry
Wondering if you miss me too.
And I lay awake some nights

And I teoll them, I don't know.
They wonder how you're doing
When they see me in town.
Now people they ask me

Maybe you don't love yourself.
Oh, why don't you love me?
Stranded, all by myself.
You got up and left me
Whenever I think about how.
And my heart grows colder
And you're not around.
But now I'm getting older

Just to see you smile.
And I'd try to sing along
Every single night.
You'd sing me a new song

Oh, remember when...
All these memories rush back now
Where we used to live.
I drive by that brick house

Relevant Tags:
LLove YYourself ((i DDon't CCare). ove ourself i on't are). oLve oYurself i( oDn't aCre). kove gourself (ii xon't fare). kLove gYourself ( xDon't fCare).
Lkove Ygourself (i Dxon't Cfare). oove hourself (j eon't xare). oLove hYourself (ji eDon't xCare). Loove Yhourself (ij Deon't Cxare). pove 6ourself (9 fon't vare).
pLove 6Yourself (9i fDon't vCare). Lpove Y6ourself (i9 Dfon't Cvare). uourself (l ron't dare). Lve uYourself (li rDon't dCare). Lvoe Yuourself (il Dron't Cdare).
Lkve 7ourself (o con't Caare). 7Yourself (oi cDon't Cre). Lokve Y7ourself (io Dcon't Crae). L9ve jourself (k son't Czre). L9ove jYourself (ki sDon't Czare).
Lo9ve Yjourself (ik Dson't Cazre). L0ve tourself (8 Doon't Cqre). L0ove tYourself (8i Dn't Cqare). Lo0ve Ytourself (i8 Dno't Caqre). Llve Yoourself (u Dkn't Csre).
Llove Yurself (ui Dkon't Csare). Lolve Yuorself (iu Dokn't Casre). Live Ykurself D9n't Cwre). Liove Ykourself D9on't Cware). Loive Yokurself Do9n't Cawre).
Lovve Y9urself D0n't Cxre). Loe Y9ourself D0on't Loev Yo9urself Do0n't Caxre). Lobe Y0urself Dln't Carre). Lobve Y0ourself Dlon't Cae).
Lovbe Yo0urself Doln't Caer). Loce Ylurself Din't Cade). Locve Ylourself Dion't Cadre). Lovce Yolurself Doin't Carde). Loge Yiurself Donn't Ca4e).
Logve Yiourself Do't Ca4re). Lovge Yoiurself Do'nt Car4e). Lofe Youurself Dom't Cage). Lofve Yorself Domn't Cagre). Lovfe Yoruself Donm't Carge).
Lovee Yohrself Doh't Cate). Lov Yohurself Dohn't Catre). Love Youhrself Donh't Carte). Lovs Yo7rself Doj't Ca5e). Lovse Yo7urself Dojn't Ca5re).
Loves You7rself Donj't Car5e). Lov3 Yokrself Dob't Cafe). Lov3e Dobn't Cafre). Love3 Youkrself Donb't Carfe). Lovf Yoirself Don''t Caee).
Dont Caere). Lovef Youirself Dont' Caree). Lovr Yo8rself Don'tt Lovre Yo8urself Don' Car). Lover You8rself Don't Car)e.
Lov4 Yojrself Don'f Cars). Lov4e Yojurself Don'ft Carse). Love4 Youjrself Don'tf Cares). Lovd Yoyrself Don'5 Car3). Lovde Yoyurself Don'5t Car3e).
Loved Youyrself Don't5 Care3). Lovw Yourrself Don'h Carf). Lovwe Youself Don'ht Lovew Yousrelf Don'th Caref). Youdself Don'y Carr).
Youdrself Don'yt Yourdself Don'ty Carer). You4self Don'6 Car4). You4rself Don'6t Your4self Don't6 Care4).
Yougself Don'g Card). Yougrself Don'gt Yourgself Don'tg Cared). Youtself Don'r Carw). Youtrself Don'rt Carwe).

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