All Time Low
Break Your Little Heart

Wide awake, my mistake - so predictable
You were fake, I was great, nothing personal
I'm walking, who's laughing now?
(Who's laughing, who's laughing now)
I'm wasted, wasting time
You talk for hours but you're wasting lines
A pretty face, but the chase ain't worth the prize

I'm gonna break your little heart
Watch you take the fall, laughing all the way to the hospital
‘cause there's nothing surgery can do
When I break your little heart in two

I'm gonna break your little heart in two

Party queen, cause a scene - so ridiculous
Little dress, maybe less, so conspicuous
You're falling, who's crashing now?
(Who's crashing, who's crashing now)

I'm wasted, wasting time
I'm moving on but you're left behind
A pretty face but the chase ain't worth the prize

I'm gonna break your little heart
Watch you take the fall, laughing all the way to the hospital
‘cause there's nothing surgery can do

I'm gonna break your little heart
Show you to the door, sew yourself shut and
now you're begging for more
‘cause there's nothing surgery can do
When I break your little heart in two

Don't be so sentimental (No)
This love is accidental (So)
Give it up, this was never meant to be more than a memory for you

I'm gonna break your little heart
Watch you take the fall, laughing all the way to the hospital
‘cause there's nothing surgery can do (oh, oh, oh, oh)
I'm gonna break your little heart
Show you to the door, sew yourself shut and
now you're begging for more (Don't be so sentimental)
‘cause there's nothing surgery can do (oh, oh, oh, oh)
When I break your little heart in two

Mirror lyrics:

When I break your little heart in two
‘cause there's nothing surgery can do (oh, oh, oh, oh)
now you're begging for more (Don't be so sentimental)
Show you to the door, sew yourself shut and
I'm gonna break your little heart
‘cause there's nothing surgery can do (oh, oh, oh, oh)
Watch you take the fall, laughing all the way to the hospital
I'm gonna break your little heart

Give it up, this was never meant to be more than a memory for you
This love is accidental (So)
Don't be so sentimental (No)

When I break your little heart in two
‘cause there's nothing surgery can do
now you're begging for more
Show you to the door, sew yourself shut and
I'm gonna break your little heart

‘cause there's nothing surgery can do
Watch you take the fall, laughing all the way to the hospital
I'm gonna break your little heart

A pretty face but the chase ain't worth the prize
I'm moving on but you're left behind
I'm wasted, wasting time

(Who's crashing, who's crashing now)
You're falling, who's crashing now?
Little dress, maybe less, so conspicuous
Party queen, cause a scene - so ridiculous

I'm gonna break your little heart in two

When I break your little heart in two
‘cause there's nothing surgery can do
Watch you take the fall, laughing all the way to the hospital
I'm gonna break your little heart

A pretty face, but the chase ain't worth the prize
You talk for hours but you're wasting lines
I'm wasted, wasting time
(Who's laughing, who's laughing now)
I'm walking, who's laughing now?
You were fake, I was great, nothing personal
Wide awake, my mistake - so predictable

Relevant Tags:
BBreak YYour LLittle HHeart reak our ittle eart rBeak oYur iLttle eHart vreak gour kittle jeart vBreak gYour kLittle jHeart Bvreak Ygour Lkittle Hjeart
greak hour oittle ueart gBreak hYour oLittle uHeart Bgreak Yhour Loittle Hueart nreak 6our pittle neart nBreak 6Your pLittle nHeart Bnreak Y6our Lpittle Hneart
hreak uour Liittle beart hBreak uYour Lttle bHeart Bhreak Yuour Ltitle Hbeart Brreak 7our Ljttle geart Beak 7Your Ljittle gHeart Berak Y7our Lijttle Hgeart
Bdeak jour L9ttle yeart Bdreak jYour L9ittle yHeart Brdeak Yjour Li9ttle Hyeart B4eak tour Llttle Heeart B4reak tYour Llittle Hart Br4eak Ytour Lilttle Haert
Bgeak Yoour Lottle Hsart Yur Hseart Brgeak Yuor Liottle Hesart Bteak Ykur Lkttle H3art Btreak Ykour H3eart Brteak Yokur Likttle He3art
B5eak Y9ur L8ttle Hfart B5reak Y9our L8ittle Hfeart Br5eak Yo9ur Li8ttle Hefart Bfeak Y0ur Luttle Hrart Bfreak Y0our Luittle Hreart Brfeak Yo0ur Liuttle Herart
Beeak Ylur Litttle H4art Bereak Ylour Litle H4eart Breeak Yolur Little He4art Yiur Liftle Hdart Brak Yiour Lifttle Hdeart Braek Yoiur Litftle Hedart
Brsak Youur Li5tle Hwart Brseak Yor Li5ttle Hweart Bresak Yoru Lit5tle Hewart Br3ak Yohr Lihtle Heaart Br3eak Yohur Lihttle Hert Bre3ak Youhr Lithtle Herat
Brfak Yo7r Liytle Hezrt Yo7ur Liyttle Hezart Brefak You7r Litytle Heazrt Brrak Yokr Li6tle Heqrt Li6ttle Heqart Brerak Youkr Lit6tle Heaqrt

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