All That Remains
For We Are Many

Oh yeah!

The fire it rages
It burns clear in the night
Illuminates the path before us
Now true our arrows strike

Defy, we heed the call
Defy, strengthen us all
Defy, for we are many
Rising against you

Defy, we heed the call
Defy, strengthen us all
Defy, for we are many
Rising to crush you

Now the tide is turning
Our might striking fear
Our passion foretells our triumph
Smite those who stand against us

Defy, we heed the call
Defy, strengthen us all
Defy, for we are many
Rising against you

Defy, we heed the call
Defy, strengthen us all
Defy, for we are many
Rising against you

We are your fast approaching doom

Now tremble

Let the tyrants fall
Let the sons heed their call
Let the tyrants fall
We are your fast approaching doom

Mirror lyrics:

We are your fast approaching doom
Let the tyrants fall
Let the sons heed their call
Let the tyrants fall

Now tremble

We are your fast approaching doom

Rising against you
Defy, for we are many
Defy, strengthen us all
Defy, we heed the call

Rising against you
Defy, for we are many
Defy, strengthen us all
Defy, we heed the call

Smite those who stand against us
Our passion foretells our triumph
Our might striking fear
Now the tide is turning

Rising to crush you
Defy, for we are many
Defy, strengthen us all
Defy, we heed the call

Rising against you
Defy, for we are many
Defy, strengthen us all
Defy, we heed the call

Now true our arrows strike
Illuminates the path before us
It burns clear in the night
The fire it rages

Oh yeah!

Relevant Tags:
FFor WWe AAre MMany or e re any oFr eW rAe aMny cor ae zre jany cFor aWe zAre jMany Fcor Wae Azre Mjany ror 3e qre kany
rFor 3We qAre kMany Fror W3e Aqre Mkany gor de sre nany gFor dWe sAre nMany Fgor Wde Asre Mnany tor ee wre Maany tFor eWe wAre Mny
Ftor Wee Awre Mnay vor se xre Mzny vFor sWe xAre Mzany Fvor Wse Axre Mazny dor 2e Arre Mqny dFor 2We Ae Mqany Fdor W2e Aer Maqny
Foor qe Ade Msny Fr qWe Adre Msany Fro Wqe Arde Masny Fkr A4e Mwny Fkor W A4re Mwany Fokr We Ar4e Mawny F9r Ws Age Mxny
F9or Agre Mxany Fo9r Wes Arge Maxny F0r W3 Ate Manny F0or Atre May Fo0r We3 Arte Mayn Flr Wf A5e Mamy

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