All About Eve
The Mystery We Are

Within the hall of mirrors
Within a crowd of you
Where you're gathering in cloudform
Refusing what is true
Uncertainties reflecting all along the way
While I still meet with confusion
In what to do or say,
Oh please... don't reveal who we are
Can we wonder at the mystery so far ?
Maybe someday we will find the thing we are,
Be it under a stone or behind the door,
Languishing on an ocean floor,
Within the heart or hanging on a star...
The mystery we are.

Russian dolls concealing a dream within a dream
where the depths beneath the surface
are rarely ever seen

If you know the answer
And if you find the key
To the opening of secrets
And you offer it to me, and I say;
Please, don't reveal who we are
Can we wonder at the mystery so far
Maybe someday we will find the thing we are
Be it under a stone or behind the door
Languishing on an ocean floor
Slumbering in a dreamless sleep
Melting into the velvet deep within the heart
Or hanging on a star...
The mystery we are.

Mirror lyrics:

The mystery we are.
Or hanging on a star...
Melting into the velvet deep within the heart
Slumbering in a dreamless sleep
Languishing on an ocean floor
Be it under a stone or behind the door
Maybe someday we will find the thing we are
Can we wonder at the mystery so far
Please, don't reveal who we are
And you offer it to me, and I say;
To the opening of secrets
And if you find the key
If you know the answer

are rarely ever seen
where the depths beneath the surface
Russian dolls concealing a dream within a dream

The mystery we are.
Within the heart or hanging on a star...
Languishing on an ocean floor,
Be it under a stone or behind the door,
Maybe someday we will find the thing we are,
Can we wonder at the mystery so far ?
Oh please... don't reveal who we are
In what to do or say,
While I still meet with confusion
Uncertainties reflecting all along the way
Refusing what is true
Where you're gathering in cloudform
Within a crowd of you
Within the hall of mirrors

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMystery WWe AAre he ystery e re hTe yMstery eW rAe fhe jystery ae zre fThe jMystery aWe zAre Tfhe Mjystery Wae Azre
5he kystery 3e qre 5The kMystery 3We qAre T5he Mkystery W3e Aqre hhe nystery de sre hThe nMystery dWe sAre Thhe Mnystery Wde Asre
yhe Myystery ee wre yThe Mstery eWe wAre Tyhe Msytery Wee Awre 6he Mgstery se xre 6The Mgystery sWe xAre T6he Mygstery Wse Axre
ghe Mhstery 2e Arre gThe Mhystery 2We Ae Tghe Myhstery W2e Aer rhe M6stery qe Ade rThe M6ystery qWe Adre Trhe My6stery Wqe Arde
Mustery A4e Te Muystery W A4re Teh Myustery We Ar4e Tje M7stery Ws Age Tjhe M7ystery Agre Thje My7stery Wes Arge
Tue Mjstery W3 Ate Tuhe Atre Thue Myjstery We3 Arte Tne Mtstery Wf A5e Tnhe Mtystery Wfe A5re Thne Mytstery Wef Ar5e
Tbe Mysstery Wr Afe Tbhe Mytery Wre Afre Thbe Mytsery Wer Arfe Tge Myztery W4 Aee Myzstery W4e Aere Thge Mysztery We4 Aree
Tye Mywtery Wd Mywstery Ar Thye Myswtery Wed Are Thee Mydtery Ww Ars Th Mydstery Wwe Arse The Mysdtery Wew Ares
Ths Myetery Ar3 Thse Myestery Ar3e Thes Mysetery Are3 Th3 Myxtery Arf Th3e Myxstery The3 Mysxtery Aref
Thf Myatery Arr Thfe Myastery Thef Mysatery Arer Thr Mysttery Ar4 Thre Mysery Ther Mysetry Are4
Th4 Mysfery Ard Th4e Mysftery The4 Mystfery Ared Thd Mys5ery Arw Thde Mys5tery Arwe Thed Myst5ery Arew
Thw Myshery Thwe Myshtery Thew Mysthery Mysyery Mysytery Mystyery

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