Allison Moorer
Abalone Sky

Fall down on me like a feather
Floating on a breeze
Faintest whisper softest calling
I am on my knees
Lead me to the ledge and let me
Dangle from a limb
I just hang on hear me praying
Oh no not again

Look for heaven out the window
Abalone sky
Scattered pearly shimmer sending
Angels to my side
Helping hasten hope’s return to
Free me from your grasp
I just hang on hear me praying
Oh this too shall pass

Scattered pearly shimmer sending
Angels to my side
Look for heaven out the window
Abalone sky

Mirror lyrics:

Abalone sky
Look for heaven out the window
Angels to my side
Scattered pearly shimmer sending

Oh this too shall pass
I just hang on hear me praying
Free me from your grasp
Helping hasten hope’s return to
Angels to my side
Scattered pearly shimmer sending
Abalone sky
Look for heaven out the window

Oh no not again
I just hang on hear me praying
Dangle from a limb
Lead me to the ledge and let me
I am on my knees
Faintest whisper softest calling
Floating on a breeze
Fall down on me like a feather

Relevant Tags:
AAbalone SSky balone ky bAalone kSy zbalone zky zAbalone zSky Azbalone Szky qbalone wky qAbalone wSky Aqbalone Swky sbalone dky
sAbalone dSky Asbalone Sdky wbalone eky wAbalone eSky Awbalone Seky xbalone xky xAbalone xSky Axbalone Sxky Abbalone aky Aalone aSky
Aablone Saky Avalone Skky Avbalone Sy Abvalone Syk Agalone Sly Agbalone Slky Abgalone Skly Analone Soy Anbalone Soky Abnalone Skoy
Ahalone Smy Ahbalone Smky Abhalone Skmy Abaalone Sjy Ablone Sjky Ablaone Skjy Abzlone Siy Abzalone Siky Abazlone Skiy Abqlone Skyy
Abqalone Sk Abaqlone Sky Abslone Skg Absalone Skgy Abaslone Skyg Abwlone Skh Abwalone Skhy Abawlone Skyh Abxlone Sk6 Abxalone Sk6y
Abaxlone Sky6 Aballone Sku Abaone Skuy Abaolne Skyu Abakone Sk7 Abaklone Sk7y Abalkone Sky7 Abaoone Skj Abaolone

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