All Star United
If We Were Lovers

Let's take a walk into the sky
Conversing with the stars to fathom why
They're not afraid to burn
To lose themselves while turning into light

If we were Lovers
Like we were meant to be
Open arms, broken hearts
All the world to see
If we were Lovers
Loving like we say
Oh the ghosts of doubt
Would crash and burn away
If we were Lovers

The obvious
Will be implied
From the simple implications of our lives
If we don't get it right
I guess they're gonna wait a long, long time

An extraordinary Love
offers heal for hurt and kind for cruelty
Words are not enough
Revolution might begin with you and me

If we were Lovers [repeat 6x]
Then we would Love

Mirror lyrics:

Then we would Love
If we were Lovers [repeat 6x]

Revolution might begin with you and me
Words are not enough
offers heal for hurt and kind for cruelty
An extraordinary Love

I guess they're gonna wait a long, long time
If we don't get it right
From the simple implications of our lives
Will be implied
The obvious

If we were Lovers
Would crash and burn away
Oh the ghosts of doubt
Loving like we say
If we were Lovers
All the world to see
Open arms, broken hearts
Like we were meant to be
If we were Lovers

To lose themselves while turning into light
They're not afraid to burn
Conversing with the stars to fathom why
Let's take a walk into the sky

Relevant Tags:
IIf WWe WWere LLovers f e ere overs fI eW eWre oLvers jf ae aere kovers jIf aWe aWere kLovers Ijf Wae Waere Lkovers
9f 3e 3ere oovers 9If 3We 3Were oLovers I9f W3e W3ere Loovers lf de dere povers lIf dWe dWere pLovers Ilf Wde Wdere Lpovers
of ee eere oIf eWe eWere Lvers Iof Wee Weere Lvoers kf se sere Lkvers kIf sWe sWere Ikf Wse Wsere Lokvers
8f 2e 2ere L9vers 8If 2We 2Were L9overs I8f W2e W2ere Lo9vers uf qe qere L0vers uIf qWe qWere L0overs Iuf Wqe Wqere Lo0vers
Iff Llvers I W Wre Llovers If We Wree Lolvers Ic Ws Wsre Livers Icf Liovers Ifc Wes Wesre Loivers
Ir W3 W3re Lovvers Irf Loers Ifr We3 We3re Loevrs Ig Wf Wfre Lobers Igf Wfe Wfere Lobvers Ifg Wef Wefre Lovbers
It Wr Wrre Locers Itf Wre Wrere Locvers Ift Wer Werre Lovcers Iv W4 W4re Logers Ivf W4e W4ere Logvers Ifv We4 We4re Lovgers
Id Wd Wdre Lofers Idf Lofvers Ifd Wed Wedre Lovfers Ww Wwre Loveers Wwe Wwere Lovrs Wew Wewre Lovres
Lovsrs Wee Lovsers Weer Lovesrs Wede Lov3rs

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