Andrã© Rieu
Oh When The Saints (live)

Oh when the saints (oh when the saints)
go marching in (go marching in)
Oh when the saints go marching in
I want to be in that number
Oh when the saints go marching in

Oh when the saints (oh when the saints)
go marching in (go marching in)
Oh when the saints go marching in
I want to be in that number
Oh when the saints go marching in

Mirror lyrics:

Oh when the saints go marching in
I want to be in that number
Oh when the saints go marching in
go marching in (go marching in)
Oh when the saints (oh when the saints)

Oh when the saints go marching in
I want to be in that number
Oh when the saints go marching in
go marching in (go marching in)
Oh when the saints (oh when the saints)

Relevant Tags:
OOh WWhen TThe SSaints ((live) h hen he aints live) hO hWen hTe aSints l(ive) kh ahen fhe zaints (llive) kOh aWhen fThe zSaints (ive)
Okh Wahen Tfhe Szaints (ilve) 9h 3hen 5he waints (kive) 9Oh 3When 5The wSaints (klive) O9h W3hen T5he Swaints (lkive) 0h dhen hhe daints (oive)
0Oh dWhen hThe dSaints (olive) O0h Wdhen Thhe Sdaints (loive) lh ehen yhe eaints (pive) lOh eWhen yThe eSaints (plive) Olh Wehen Tyhe Seaints (lpive)
ih shen 6he xaints (liive) iOh sWhen 6The xSaints (lve) Oih Wshen T6he Sxaints (lvie) Ohh 2hen ghe aaints (ljve) O 2When gThe aSaints (ljive)
Oh W2hen Tghe Saaints (lijve) Oj qhen rhe (l9ve) Ojh qWhen rThe Sints (l9ive) Ohj Wqhen Trhe Siants (li9ve) Ou Whhen Szints (llve)
Ouh Wen Te Ohu Wehn Teh Sazints (lilve) On Wjen Tje Sqints (love) Onh Wjhen Tjhe Sqaints Ohn Whjen Thje Saqints (liove)
Ob Wuen Tue Ssints (lkve) Obh Wuhen Tuhe Ssaints Ohb Whuen Thue Sasints (likve) Og Wnen Tne Swints (l8ve) Ogh Wnhen Tnhe (l8ive)
Ohg Whnen Thne Sawints (li8ve) Oy Wben Tbe Sxints (luve) Oyh Wbhen Tbhe (luive) Ohy Whben Thbe Saxints (liuve) Wgen Tge Saiints (livve)
Wghen Sants (lie) Whgen Thge Sanits (liev) Wyen Tye Sajnts (libe) Wyhen Sajints (libve) Whyen Thye Saijnts (livbe)
Wheen Thee Sa9nts (lice) Whn Th Sa9ints (licve) Whne The Sai9nts (livce) Whsn Ths Salnts (lige) Whsen Thse Salints (ligve)
Whesn Thes Sailnts (livge) Wh3n Th3 Saonts (life) Wh3en Th3e Saoints (lifve) Whe3n The3 Saionts (livfe) Whfn Thf Saknts (livee)
Whfen Thfe Sakints (liv) Whefn Thef Saiknts (liv)e Whrn Thr Sa8nts (livs) Whren Thre Sa8ints (livse)

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