Andy Mccoy
Unconditional Love

I wish I would have known you
When you were just a child
I would've cared for you
Made sure you'd be alright

And I wish I would have been there
When you went to highschool
I would've dated you
You could've been my homecoming queen
My teenage dream

Yeah in your eyes I read
The whole Universe opening up with
Unseen galaxies with virgin shades
Untouched by human eyes
The drom of Calo
With it's entire mystery

With a love like this
How could I go wrong
All you need is for us to travel on
Sometimes high baby some times low
But never deprived of our love
Your uncoditional love

And now that your with me it's worth more than gold
Cos now I know true love's a gift
Yeah a gift from high above

And I never wanna see you down
Cos when you smile
you make me smile I realize
everything you do is so worthwile

So can I thank you
For always being around
This Gypsy Love blood bond
It really makes our love strong

Mirror lyrics:

It really makes our love strong
This Gypsy Love blood bond
For always being around
So can I thank you

everything you do is so worthwile
you make me smile I realize
Cos when you smile
And I never wanna see you down

Yeah a gift from high above
Cos now I know true love's a gift
And now that your with me it's worth more than gold

Your uncoditional love
But never deprived of our love
Sometimes high baby some times low
All you need is for us to travel on
How could I go wrong
With a love like this

With it's entire mystery
The drom of Calo
Untouched by human eyes
Unseen galaxies with virgin shades
The whole Universe opening up with
Yeah in your eyes I read

My teenage dream
You could've been my homecoming queen
I would've dated you
When you went to highschool
And I wish I would have been there

Made sure you'd be alright
I would've cared for you
When you were just a child
I wish I would have known you

Relevant Tags:
UUnconditional LLove nconditional ove nUconditional oLve hnconditional kove hUnconditional kLove Uhnconditional Lkove
7nconditional oove 7Unconditional oLove U7nconditional Loove knconditional pove kUnconditional pLove Uknconditional Lpove
inconditional iUnconditional Lve Uinconditional Lvoe 8nconditional Lkve 8Unconditional U8nconditional Lokve
jnconditional L9ve jUnconditional L9ove Ujnconditional Lo9ve ynconditional L0ve yUnconditional L0ove Uynconditional Lo0ve
Unnconditional Llve Uconditional Llove Ucnonditional Lolve Umconditional Live Umnconditional Liove Unmconditional Loive
Uhconditional Lovve Loe Unhconditional Loev Ujconditional Lobe Lobve Unjconditional Lovbe
Ubconditional Loce Ubnconditional Locve Unbconditional Lovce Uncconditional Loge Unonditional Logve Unocnditional Lovge
Unfonditional Lofe Unfconditional Lofve Uncfonditional Lovfe Unxonditional Lovee Unxconditional Lov Uncxonditional Love
Unvonditional Lovs Unvconditional Lovse Uncvonditional Loves Undonditional Lov3 Undconditional Lov3e Uncdonditional Love3
Uncoonditional Lovf Uncnditional Uncnoditional Lovef Uncknditional Lovr Unckonditional Lovre Uncoknditional Lover
Unc9nditional Lov4 Unc9onditional Lov4e Unco9nditional Love4 Unc0nditional Lovd Unc0onditional Lovde Unco0nditional Loved
Unclnditional Lovw Unclonditional Lovwe Uncolnditional Lovew Uncinditional Uncionditional Uncoinditional
Unconnditional Uncoditional Uncodnitional Uncomditional Uncomnditional Unconmditional
Uncohditional Uncohnditional Unconhditional Uncojditional Uncojnditional Unconjditional
Uncobditional Uncobnditional Unconbditional Uncondditional Unconitional Unconidtional
Unconxitional Unconxditional Uncondxitional Unconeitional Unconeditional Uncondeitional
Unconfitional Unconfditional Uncondfitional Unconritional Unconrditional Uncondritional
Unconcitional Unconcditional Uncondcitional Unconsitional Unconsditional Uncondsitional
Uncondiitional Uncondtional Uncondtiional Uncondjtional Uncondjitional Uncondijtional
Uncond9tional Uncond9itional Uncondi9tional Uncondltional

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