Andy M. Stewart
Ramblin' Irishman

I am a ramblin' Irishman
It's Ulster I was born in
And manys the happy hour I spent
On the banks of sweet Loch Erin
Ah but to live poor I could not endure
Like others of my station
To America I sailed away
And left this Irish nation

Rie tan tah na nah tan tan na nah
rie tan tan a noo tan a tan deh

The night before I went away
I spent it with my darlin
From 2 o'clock in the afternoon
Til the break of day next morning
And when that we were going for to part
We linked in each other's arm
And you may be sure, ah and very very sure
It's wounded both her charms


The very first night I spent on board
I dreamt about my Nancy
I dreamt I held her in my arms
And it's well she pleased my fancy
Ah, but in the morning when I awoke
And I found my bosom empty
Ah you may be sure, and very very sure
That I lay discontented


Ah but when we reached the other side
We both stout and healthy
We dropped our anchor in the bay
Going down to Philadelphie
Let every lass link with her lad
Blue jacket and white trousers
Let every lad link with his lass
Blue petticoat and white blousers

Tan tan na nahâ?¦.. (repeat first verseâ?¦)

Mirror lyrics:

Tan tan na nahâ?¦.. (repeat first verseâ?¦)

Blue petticoat and white blousers
Let every lad link with his lass
Blue jacket and white trousers
Let every lass link with her lad
Going down to Philadelphie
We dropped our anchor in the bay
We both stout and healthy
Ah but when we reached the other side


That I lay discontented
Ah you may be sure, and very very sure
And I found my bosom empty
Ah, but in the morning when I awoke
And it's well she pleased my fancy
I dreamt I held her in my arms
I dreamt about my Nancy
The very first night I spent on board


It's wounded both her charms
And you may be sure, ah and very very sure
We linked in each other's arm
And when that we were going for to part
Til the break of day next morning
From 2 o'clock in the afternoon
I spent it with my darlin
The night before I went away

rie tan tan a noo tan a tan deh
Rie tan tah na nah tan tan na nah

And left this Irish nation
To America I sailed away
Like others of my station
Ah but to live poor I could not endure
On the banks of sweet Loch Erin
And manys the happy hour I spent
It's Ulster I was born in
I am a ramblin' Irishman

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