Andy Kim
Rock Me Gently

Ain't it good
Ain't it right
That you are with me here tonight
The music playing
Our bodies swayin' in time
In time, in time, in time

Touching you so warm and tender
Lord, I feel such a sweet surrender
Beautiful is the dream that makes you mine

Rock me gently
Rock me slowly
Take it easy
Don't you know
That I have never been loved like this before

Baby, baby
Rock me gently
Rock me slowly
Take it easy
Don't you know
That I have never been loved like this before

Oh my darling
Oh my baby
You got the moves that drive me crazy
And on your face I see a trace of love
Of love, of love, of love
Come hold me close
Don't let me go
I need you, honey
I love you so
You were made for me by the stars above

Oh, rock me gently
Rock me slowly
Take it easy
Don't you know
That I have never been loved like this before

And baby, baby
Rock me gently
Rock me slowly
Take it easy
Don't you know
That I have never been loved like this before

Rock me gently
Rock me slowly
Take it easy
Don't you know
That I have never been loved like this before

Ain't it good
Ain't it right
That you are with me here tonight

Rock me gently
Rock me slowly
Take it easy
Don't you know
That I have never been loved like this before

Baby, baby
Rock me gently
Rock me slowly
Take it easy
Don't you know
That I have never been loved like this before

Mirror lyrics:

That I have never been loved like this before
Don't you know
Take it easy
Rock me slowly
Rock me gently
Baby, baby

That I have never been loved like this before
Don't you know
Take it easy
Rock me slowly
Rock me gently

That you are with me here tonight
Ain't it right
Ain't it good

That I have never been loved like this before
Don't you know
Take it easy
Rock me slowly
Rock me gently

That I have never been loved like this before
Don't you know
Take it easy
Rock me slowly
Rock me gently
And baby, baby

That I have never been loved like this before
Don't you know
Take it easy
Rock me slowly
Oh, rock me gently

You were made for me by the stars above
I love you so
I need you, honey
Don't let me go
Come hold me close
Of love, of love, of love
And on your face I see a trace of love
You got the moves that drive me crazy
Oh my baby
Oh my darling

That I have never been loved like this before
Don't you know
Take it easy
Rock me slowly
Rock me gently
Baby, baby

That I have never been loved like this before
Don't you know
Take it easy
Rock me slowly
Rock me gently

Beautiful is the dream that makes you mine
Lord, I feel such a sweet surrender
Touching you so warm and tender

In time, in time, in time
Our bodies swayin' in time
The music playing
That you are with me here tonight
Ain't it right
Ain't it good

Relevant Tags:
RRock MMe GGently ock e ently oRck eM eGntly dock je hently dRock jMe hGently Rdock Mje Ghently 4ock ke yently 4Rock kMe yGently
R4ock Mke Gyently gock ne bently gRock nMe bGently Rgock Mne Gbently tock Mee vently tRock M vGently Rtock Me Gvently 5ock Ms fently
5Rock Mse fGently R5ock Mes Gfently fock M3 tently fRock M3e tGently Rfock Me3 Gtently eock Mf Geently eRock Mfe Gntly Reock Mef Gnetly
Roock Mr Gsntly Rck Mre Gsently Rcok Mer Gesntly Rkck M4 G3ntly Rkock M4e G3ently Rokck Me4 Ge3ntly R9ck Md Gfntly R9ock Mde
Ro9ck Med Gefntly R0ck Mw Grntly R0ock Mwe Grently Ro0ck Mew Gerntly Rlck G4ntly Rlock G4ently Rolck Ge4ntly Rick Gdntly
Riock Gdently Roick Gedntly Rocck Gwntly Rok Gwently Rokc Gewntly Rofk Genntly Rofck Getly Rocfk Getnly
Roxk Gemtly Roxck Gemntly Rocxk Genmtly Rovk Gehtly Rovck Gehntly Rocvk Genhtly Rodk Gejtly Rodck Gejntly
Rocdk Genjtly Rockk Gebtly Roc Gebntly

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