Alistair Griffin
Real World

Avalanche in your heart
Love is buried under
No way out, for the fools that all follow
Make me laugh, make me cry
Just can't get close enough
Climb your walls, hope I'll fall into your arms

Don't believe a word you tell me
But then your voice compels
You'll always be right here with me

And your life's like a movie
You can be no one else
As you live just to thrill me
Now believe in yourself
Never get tired of watching you
Someday you will break through
As I wait in the real world

Watch you rise, Watch your fall
Spend each moment like my own
All those eyes, captivated by you
An audience with the sun
As your feelings over run
You inspire these forces in me

And your life's like a movie
You can be no one else
As you live just to thrill me
Now believe in yourself
Never get tired of watching you
Someday you will break through
As I wait in the real world

Don't believe a word you tell me
But then your voice compels
You'll always be right here with me

Real world
And the real world

And your life still feels like a movie
You can be no one else
As you live your life just to thrill me
Now believe in yourself
Never get tired of watching you
One day you will break through
As I wait in the real world
As I wait in the real world

Real world
Real world

Mirror lyrics:

Real world
Real world

As I wait in the real world
As I wait in the real world
One day you will break through
Never get tired of watching you
Now believe in yourself
As you live your life just to thrill me
You can be no one else
And your life still feels like a movie

And the real world
Real world

You'll always be right here with me
But then your voice compels
Don't believe a word you tell me

As I wait in the real world
Someday you will break through
Never get tired of watching you
Now believe in yourself
As you live just to thrill me
You can be no one else
And your life's like a movie

You inspire these forces in me
As your feelings over run
An audience with the sun
All those eyes, captivated by you
Spend each moment like my own
Watch you rise, Watch your fall

As I wait in the real world
Someday you will break through
Never get tired of watching you
Now believe in yourself
As you live just to thrill me
You can be no one else
And your life's like a movie

You'll always be right here with me
But then your voice compels
Don't believe a word you tell me

Climb your walls, hope I'll fall into your arms
Just can't get close enough
Make me laugh, make me cry
No way out, for the fools that all follow
Love is buried under
Avalanche in your heart

Relevant Tags:
RReal WWorld eal orld eRal oWrld deal aorld dReal aWorld Rdeal Waorld 4eal 3orld 4Real 3World R4eal W3orld geal dorld gReal dWorld
Rgeal Wdorld teal eorld tReal eWorld Rteal Weorld 5eal sorld 5Real sWorld R5eal Wsorld feal 2orld fReal 2World Rfeal W2orld eeal qorld
eReal qWorld Reeal Wqorld Woorld Ral Wrld Rael Wrold Rsal Wkrld Rseal Wkorld Resal Wokrld R3al W9rld R3eal W9orld Re3al Wo9rld
Rfal W0rld W0orld Refal Wo0rld Rral Wlrld Rreal Wlorld Reral Wolrld R4al Wirld Wiorld Re4al Woirld Rdal Worrld Wold
Redal Wolrd Rwal Wodld Rweal Wodrld Rewal Wordld Reaal Wo4ld Rel Wo4rld

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