Alison Moyet
Dido's Lament When I Am Laid In Earth

When I am laid, am laid in earth, may my wrongs create

No trouble, no trouble in, in thy breast

When I am laid, am laid in earth, may my wrongs create

No trouble, no trouble in, in thy breast

Remember me, remember me, but ah

Forget my fate

Remember me, but ah

Forget my fate

Remember me, remember me, but ah

Forget my fate

Remember me, but ah

Forget my fate

Mirror lyrics:

Forget my fate

Remember me, but ah

Forget my fate

Remember me, remember me, but ah

Forget my fate

Remember me, but ah

Forget my fate

Remember me, remember me, but ah

No trouble, no trouble in, in thy breast

When I am laid, am laid in earth, may my wrongs create

No trouble, no trouble in, in thy breast

When I am laid, am laid in earth, may my wrongs create

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DDido's LLament WWhen II AAm LLaid IIn EEarth ido's ament hen m aid n arth iDdo's aLment hWen I mA aLid nI aErth
xido's kament ahen j zm kaid jn sarth xDido's kLament aWhen jI zAm kLaid jIn sEarth Dxido's Lkament Wahen Ij Azm Lkaid Ijn Esarth
eido's oament 3hen 9 qm oaid 9n 3arth eDido's oLament 3When 9I qAm oLaid 9In 3Earth Deido's Loament W3hen I9 Aqm Loaid I9n E3arth
fido's pament dhen l sm paid ln farth fDido's pLament dWhen lI sAm pLaid lIn fEarth Dfido's Lpament Wdhen Il Asm Lpaid Iln Efarth
rido's Laament ehen o wm Laaid on rarth rDido's Lment eWhen oI wAm Lid oIn rEarth Drido's Lmaent Wehen Io Awm Liad Ion Erarth
cido's Lzment shen k xm Lzid kn 4arth cDido's Lzament sWhen kI xAm Lzaid kIn 4Earth Dcido's Lazment Wshen Ik Axm Lazid Ikn E4arth
sido's Lqment 2hen 8 Amm Lqid 8n darth sDido's Lqament 2When 8I A Lqaid 8In dEarth Dsido's Laqment W2hen I8 Am Laqid I8n Edarth
Diido's Lsment qhen u Aj Lsid un warth Ddo's Lsament qWhen uI Ajm Lsaid uIn wEarth Ddio's Lasment Wqhen Iu Amj Lasid Iun Ewarth
Djdo's Lwment Whhen Ak Lwid Inn Eaarth Djido's Lwament Wen Akm Lwaid I Erth Dijdo's Lawment Wehn Amk Lawid In Erath
D9do's Lxment Wjen An Lxid Im Ezrth D9ido's Lxament Wjhen Anm Lxaid Imn Ezarth Di9do's Laxment Whjen Amn Laxid Inm Eazrth
Dldo's Lamment Wuen Laiid Ih Eqrth Dlido's Laent Wuhen Lad Ihn Eqarth Dildo's Laemnt Whuen Ladi Inh Eaqrth
Dodo's Lajent Wnen Lajd Ij Esrth Doido's Lajment Wnhen Lajid Diodo's Lamjent Whnen Laijd Inj Easrth
Dkdo's Lakent Wben La9d Ib Ewrth Dkido's Lakment Wbhen La9id Ibn Dikdo's Lamkent Whben Lai9d Inb Eawrth
D8do's Lanent Wgen Lald Exrth D8ido's Lanment Wghen Lalid Exarth Di8do's Lamnent Whgen Laild Eaxrth
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