Alison Krauss (& Union Station)
If I Didn't Know Any Better

I turned around
Before I could run
I found you already settled down
In the back of my mind.

I know this
Is just a customary fever
The moon is our deceiver
That will leave you running blind.

Your heart is bawling
If I didn't know any better
I'd be falling
Deeper and deeper it's true
I'd hear it calling
If I didn't know any better
And I'd be in love with you.

Didn't want to
Look in the eyes of the one
That I would be drawn to
I'm a moth lost in a fire
And I know this
Is just a beautiful illusion
A case of the confusion
Between love and desire.

Your heart is pullin'
If I didn't know any better
I'd be falling
Deeper and deeper it's true
I'd hear it calling
If I didn't know any better
And I'd be in love
When the flame burns out
And finally settles down
You'll forget
I ever came a round.

Your heart is bawling
If I didn't know any better
I'd be falling
Deeper and deeper it's true
I'd hear it calling
If I didn't know any better
And I'd be in love with you.

I turned around
Before I could run
I found you already settled down
In the back of my mind.

Mirror lyrics:

In the back of my mind.
I found you already settled down
Before I could run
I turned around

And I'd be in love with you.
If I didn't know any better
I'd hear it calling
Deeper and deeper it's true
I'd be falling
If I didn't know any better
Your heart is bawling

I ever came a round.
You'll forget
And finally settles down
When the flame burns out
And I'd be in love
If I didn't know any better
I'd hear it calling
Deeper and deeper it's true
I'd be falling
If I didn't know any better
Your heart is pullin'

Between love and desire.
A case of the confusion
Is just a beautiful illusion
And I know this
I'm a moth lost in a fire
That I would be drawn to
Look in the eyes of the one
Didn't want to

And I'd be in love with you.
If I didn't know any better
I'd hear it calling
Deeper and deeper it's true
I'd be falling
If I didn't know any better
Your heart is bawling

That will leave you running blind.
The moon is our deceiver
Is just a customary fever
I know this

In the back of my mind.
I found you already settled down
Before I could run
I turned around

Relevant Tags:
IIf II DDidn't KKnow AAny BBetter f idn't now ny etter fI I iDdn't nKow nAy eBtter jf j xidn't lnow zny vetter jIf jI xDidn't lKnow zAny vBetter
Ijf Ij Dxidn't Klnow Azny Bvetter 9f 9 eidn't onow qny getter 9If 9I eDidn't oKnow qAny gBetter I9f I9 Deidn't Konow Aqny Bgetter lf l fidn't mnow sny netter
lIf lI fDidn't mKnow sAny nBetter Ilf Il Dfidn't Kmnow Asny Bnetter of o ridn't jnow wny hetter oIf oI rDidn't jKnow wAny hBetter Iof Io Dridn't Kjnow Awny Bhetter
kf k cidn't inow xny Beetter kIf kI cDidn't iKnow xAny Btter Ikf Ik Dcidn't Kinow Axny Bteter 8f 8 sidn't Knnow Anny Bstter 8If 8I sDidn't Kow Ay Bsetter
I8f I8 Dsidn't Konw Ayn Bestter uf u Diidn't Kmow Amy B3tter uIf uI Ddn't Amny B3etter Iuf Iu Ddin't Knmow Anmy Be3tter Iff Djdn't Khow Ahy Bftter
I Djidn't Khnow Ahny Bfetter If Dijdn't Knhow Anhy Beftter Ic D9dn't Kjow Ajy Brtter Icf D9idn't Ajny Bretter Ifc Di9dn't Knjow Anjy Bertter
Ir Dldn't Kbow Aby B4tter Irf Dlidn't Kbnow Abny B4etter Ifr Dildn't Knbow Anby Be4tter Ig Dodn't Knoow Anyy Bdtter Igf Doidn't Knw An Bdetter
Ifg Diodn't Knwo Any Bedtter It Dkdn't Knkw Ang Bwtter Itf Dkidn't Knkow Angy Bwetter Ift Dikdn't Knokw Anyg Bewtter Iv D8dn't Kn9w Anh Bettter
Ivf D8idn't Kn9ow Beter Ifv Di8dn't Kno9w Anyh Better Id Dudn't Kn0w An6 Befter Idf Duidn't Kn0ow An6y Ifd Diudn't Kno0w Any6 Betfter
Diddn't Knlw Anu Be5ter Din't Knlow Anuy Be5tter Dind't Knolw Anyu Bet5ter Dixn't Kniw An7 Behter Dixdn't Kniow An7y Behtter
Didxn't Knoiw Any7 Bethter Dien't Knoww Anj Beyter Diedn't Kno Beytter Diden't Know Anyj Betyter Difn't Knoa Ant Be6ter
Difdn't Knoaw Anty Be6tter Didfn't Knowa Anyt Bet6ter Dirn't Kno3 Begter

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