Alison Krauss (& Union Station)
Away Down The River

Baby dry your eyes
There's no need to cry
Cause I'll see you again
It might be a while
Before you understand

I'm just away down the river
A hundred miles or more
Crossing over Jordan
To the other shore
I'll be standing waiting
With all who've gone before
I'm just away down the river
A hundred miles or more

Now the pictures on the wall
Will help you to recall
They're not there
To make you sad
But to remember
All the good times we had



When it's time to leave
You're gonna feel the mountain breeze
And the snow will fill the stream
And carry you to me


Mirror lyrics:


And carry you to me
And the snow will fill the stream
You're gonna feel the mountain breeze
When it's time to leave



All the good times we had
But to remember
To make you sad
They're not there
Will help you to recall
Now the pictures on the wall

A hundred miles or more
I'm just away down the river
With all who've gone before
I'll be standing waiting
To the other shore
Crossing over Jordan
A hundred miles or more
I'm just away down the river

Before you understand
It might be a while
Cause I'll see you again
There's no need to cry
Baby dry your eyes

Relevant Tags:
AAway DDown TThe RRiver way own he iver wAay oDwn hTe iRver zway xown fhe diver zAway xDown fThe dRiver Azway Dxown Tfhe Rdiver
qway eown 5he 4iver qAway eDown 5The 4River Aqway Deown T5he R4iver sway fown hhe giver sAway fDown hThe gRiver Asway Dfown Thhe Rgiver
wway rown yhe tiver wAway rDown yThe tRiver Awway Drown Tyhe Rtiver xway cown 6he 5iver xAway cDown 6The 5River Axway Dcown T6he R5iver
sown ghe fiver Aay sDown gThe fRiver Aawy Dsown Tghe Rfiver Aaay Doown rhe eiver Aaway Dwn rThe eRiver Awaay Dwon Trhe Reiver
A3ay Dkwn Riiver A3way Dkown Te Rver Aw3ay Dokwn Teh Rvier Aday D9wn Tje Rjver Adway D9own Tjhe Rjiver Awday Do9wn Thje Rijver
Aeay D0wn Tue R9ver Aeway D0own Tuhe R9iver Aweay Do0wn Thue Ri9ver Asay Dlwn Tne Rlver Dlown Tnhe Rliver Awsay Dolwn Thne Rilver
A2ay Diwn Tbe Rover A2way Diown Tbhe Roiver Aw2ay Doiwn Thbe Riover Aqay Dowwn Tge Rkver Don Rkiver Awqay Donw Thge Rikver
Doan Tye R8ver Awy Doawn R8iver Awya Dowan Thye Ri8ver Awzy Do3n Thee Ruver Awzay Do3wn Th Ruiver Awazy Dow3n The Riuver
Awqy Dodn Ths Rivver Dodwn Thse Rier Awaqy Dowdn Thes Rievr Awsy Doen Th3 Riber Doewn Th3e Ribver

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