Alison Krauss & Union Station
The Boy Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn

Tell You a little story and it won't take long,
'Bout a lazy farmer who wouldn't hoe his corn.
The reason why I never could tell,
That young man was always well.

He planted his corn in the month of June.
By July it was up to his eyes.
Come September, came a big frost.
And all the young man's corn was lost.

His story, kith, had just begun.
Said: "Young man, have you hoed some corn?"
"Well I tried and I tried, and I tried in vain.
"But I don't believe I raised no grain."

He went down town to his neighbour's door.
Where he had often been before.
Sayin': "Pretty little miss, will you marry me?"
"Little miss what do you say?"

"Why do you come for me to wed?
"You, can't even make your own corn grain.
"Single I am, and will remain.
"A lazy man, I won't maintain."

He turned his back and walked away.
Sayin: "Little miss, you'll rue the day.
"You'll rue the day that you were born.
"For givin' me the devil 'cos I wouldn't hoe corn."...

Mirror lyrics:

"For givin' me the devil 'cos I wouldn't hoe corn."...
"You'll rue the day that you were born.
Sayin: "Little miss, you'll rue the day.
He turned his back and walked away.

"A lazy man, I won't maintain."
"Single I am, and will remain.
"You, can't even make your own corn grain.
"Why do you come for me to wed?

"Little miss what do you say?"
Sayin': "Pretty little miss, will you marry me?"
Where he had often been before.
He went down town to his neighbour's door.

"But I don't believe I raised no grain."
"Well I tried and I tried, and I tried in vain.
Said: "Young man, have you hoed some corn?"
His story, kith, had just begun.

And all the young man's corn was lost.
Come September, came a big frost.
By July it was up to his eyes.
He planted his corn in the month of June.

That young man was always well.
The reason why I never could tell,
'Bout a lazy farmer who wouldn't hoe his corn.
Tell You a little story and it won't take long,

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBoy WWho WWouldn't HHoe CCorn he oy ho ouldn't oe orn hTe oBy hWo oWuldn't oHe oCrn fhe voy aho aouldn't joe forn fThe vBoy aWho aWouldn't jHoe fCorn
Tfhe Bvoy Waho Waouldn't Hjoe Cforn 5he goy 3ho 3ouldn't uoe xorn 5The gBoy 3Who 3Wouldn't uHoe xCorn T5he Bgoy W3ho W3ouldn't Huoe Cxorn hhe noy dho douldn't noe vorn
hThe nBoy dWho dWouldn't nHoe vCorn Thhe Bnoy Wdho Wdouldn't Hnoe Cvorn yhe hoy eho eouldn't boe dorn yThe hBoy eWho eWouldn't bHoe dCorn Tyhe Bhoy Weho Weouldn't Hboe Cdorn
6he Booy sho souldn't goe Coorn 6The By sWho sWouldn't gHoe Crn T6he Byo Wsho Wsouldn't Hgoe Cron ghe Bky 2ho 2ouldn't yoe Ckrn gThe Bkoy 2Who 2Wouldn't yHoe Ckorn
Tghe Boky W2ho W2ouldn't Hyoe Cokrn rhe B9y qho qouldn't Hooe C9rn rThe B9oy qWho qWouldn't He C9orn Trhe Bo9y Wqho Wqouldn't Heo Co9rn B0y Whho Woouldn't Hke C0rn
Te B0oy Wo Wuldn't Hkoe C0orn Teh Bo0y Woh Wuoldn't Hoke Co0rn Tje Bly Wjo Wkuldn't H9e Clrn Tjhe Bloy Wjho Wkouldn't H9oe Clorn Thje Boly Whjo Wokuldn't Ho9e Colrn
Tue Biy Wuo W9uldn't H0e Cirn Tuhe Bioy Wuho W9ouldn't H0oe Ciorn Thue Boiy Whuo Wo9uldn't Ho0e Coirn Tne Boyy Wno W0uldn't Hle Corrn Tnhe Bo Wnho W0ouldn't Hloe Con
Thne Boy Whno Wo0uldn't Hole Conr Tbe Bog Wbo Wluldn't Hie Codn Tbhe Bogy Wbho Wlouldn't Hioe Codrn Thbe Boyg Whbo Woluldn't Hoie Cordn Tge Boh Wgo Wiuldn't Hoee Co4n
Bohy Wgho Wiouldn't Ho Co4rn Thge Boyh Whgo Woiuldn't Hoe Cor4n Tye Bo6 Wyo Wouuldn't Hos Cogn Bo6y Wyho Woldn't Hose Cogrn Thye Boy6 Whyo Woludn't Hoes Corgn
Thee Bou Whoo Wohldn't Ho3 Cotn Th Bouy Wh Wohuldn't Ho3e Cotrn The Boyu Who Wouhldn't Hoe3 Cortn Ths Bo7 Whk Wo7ldn't Hof Co5n Thse Bo7y Whko Wo7uldn't Hofe Co5rn
Thes Boy7 Whok Wou7ldn't Hoef Cor5n Th3 Boj Wh9 Wokldn't Hor Cofn Th3e Bojy Wh9o Hore Cofrn The3 Boyj Who9 Woukldn't Hoer Corfn Thf Bot Wh0 Woildn't Ho4 Coen
Thfe Boty Wh0o Ho4e Coern Thef Boyt Who0 Wouildn't Hoe4 Coren Thr Whl Wo8ldn't Hod Cornn Thre Whlo Wo8uldn't Hode Cor Ther Whol Wou8ldn't Hoed Corn
Th4 Whi Wojldn't How Corm Th4e Whio Wojuldn't Howe Cormn The4 Whoi Woujldn't Hoew Cornm Thd Woyldn't Corh Thde Woyuldn't Corhn
Thed Wouyldn't Cornh Thw Woulldn't Corj Thwe Woudn't Corjn Thew Woudln't Cornj

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