Alison Krauss & Union Station
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

(Ira P. Stanphill)

I don't know about tomorrow
I just live from day to day
I don't borrow from the sunshine
For the skies they turn to grey.

And I don't worry for the future
For I know what Jesus said
And today I'll walk beside him
For he's what lies ahead.

Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand.

--- Mandolin - Guitar Instrumental ---

Every step is getting brighter
As the golden stairs I climb
Every burden's getting lighter
Every cloud is silver-lined.

There the sun is always shining
There no tear will ever dim the eye
At the ending of the rainbow
Where the mountains touch the sky.

Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand.

--- Instrumental to fade ---

Mirror lyrics:

--- Instrumental to fade ---

And I know who holds my hand.
But I know who holds tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
Many things about tomorrow

Where the mountains touch the sky.
At the ending of the rainbow
There no tear will ever dim the eye
There the sun is always shining

Every cloud is silver-lined.
Every burden's getting lighter
As the golden stairs I climb
Every step is getting brighter

--- Mandolin - Guitar Instrumental ---

And I know who holds my hand.
But I know who holds tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
Many things about tomorrow

For he's what lies ahead.
And today I'll walk beside him
For I know what Jesus said
And I don't worry for the future

For the skies they turn to grey.
I don't borrow from the sunshine
I just live from day to day
I don't know about tomorrow

(Ira P. Stanphill)

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II KKnow WWho HHolds TTomorrow now ho olds omorrow I nKow hWo oHlds oTmorrow j lnow aho jolds fomorrow jI lKnow aWho jHolds fTomorrow
Ij Klnow Waho Hjolds Tfomorrow 9 onow 3ho uolds 5omorrow 9I oKnow 3Who uHolds 5Tomorrow I9 Konow W3ho Huolds T5omorrow l mnow dho nolds homorrow
lI mKnow dWho nHolds hTomorrow Il Kmnow Wdho Hnolds Thomorrow o jnow eho bolds yomorrow oI jKnow eWho bHolds yTomorrow Io Kjnow Weho Hbolds Tyomorrow
k inow sho golds 6omorrow kI iKnow sWho gHolds 6Tomorrow Ik Kinow Wsho Hgolds T6omorrow 8 Knnow 2ho yolds gomorrow 8I Kow 2Who yHolds gTomorrow
I8 Konw W2ho Hyolds Tgomorrow u Kmow qho Hoolds romorrow uI qWho Hlds rTomorrow Iu Knmow Wqho Hlods Tromorrow Khow Whho Hklds Toomorrow
Khnow Wo Hkolds Tmorrow Knhow Woh Hoklds Tmoorrow Kjow Wjo H9lds Tkmorrow Wjho H9olds Tkomorrow Knjow Whjo Ho9lds Tokmorrow
Kbow Wuo H0lds T9morrow Kbnow Wuho H0olds T9omorrow Knbow Whuo Ho0lds To9morrow Knoow Wno Hllds T0morrow Knw Wnho Hlolds T0omorrow
Knwo Whno Hollds To0morrow Knkw Wbo Hilds Tlmorrow Knkow Wbho Hiolds Tlomorrow Knokw Whbo Hoilds Tolmorrow Kn9w Wgo Timorrow
Kn9ow Wgho Hods Tiomorrow Kno9w Whgo Hodls Toimorrow Kn0w Wyo Hokds Tommorrow Kn0ow Wyho Toorrow Kno0w Whyo Holkds Toomrrow
Knlw Whoo Hoods Tojorrow Knlow Wh Tojmorrow Knolw Who Holods Tomjorrow Kniw Whk Hopds Tokorrow Kniow Whko Hoplds
Knoiw Whok Holpds Tomkorrow Knoww Wh9 Holdds Tonorrow Kno Wh9o Hols Tonmorrow Know Who9 Holsd Tomnorrow Knoa Wh0 Holxs Tomoorrow
Knoaw Wh0o Holxds Tomrrow Knowa Who0 Holdxs Tomrorow Kno3 Whl Holes Tomkrrow Kno3w Whlo Holeds Know3 Whol Holdes Tomokrrow
Knod Whi Holfs Tom9rrow Knodw Whio Holfds Tom9orrow Knowd Whoi Holdfs Tomo9rrow Knoe Holrs Tom0rrow Knoew Holrds Tom0orrow
Knowe Holdrs Tomo0rrow Knos Holcs Tomlrrow Knosw Holcds Tomlorrow Knows Holdcs Tomolrrow Kno2 Holss Tomirrow
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