Alison Krauss & Union Station
I Give You To His Heart

The wind is blowing down the quiet river
A shining road that carries you alone
Baby boy my love will last forever
If you're to live, I must give you up to God.

I know our God will guide, protect and keep you
Teach you faith and hold you by the heart
Though your mother's heart is broken by your leaving her
Father knows just who he is and who you are.

I wish that life wasn't always ending up this way
With Heaven's love at stake and hell to pay
But you in God's loving plan might be the missing part
You must live, so I give you to his heart.

The wind is blowing down the silent river
A shining road that leaves me all alone
A life for you's worth losing you forever
Some day we'll stand in God's fair land, forever home.

I wish that life wasn't always ending up this way
With Heaven's love at stake and hell to pay
But you in God's loving plan might be the missing part
You must live, so I give you to his heart.

I wish that life wasn't always ending up this way
with Heaven's love at stake and hell to pay
But you in God's loving plan might be the missing part
You must live, so I give you to his heart...

Mirror lyrics:

You must live, so I give you to his heart...
But you in God's loving plan might be the missing part
with Heaven's love at stake and hell to pay
I wish that life wasn't always ending up this way

You must live, so I give you to his heart.
But you in God's loving plan might be the missing part
With Heaven's love at stake and hell to pay
I wish that life wasn't always ending up this way

Some day we'll stand in God's fair land, forever home.
A life for you's worth losing you forever
A shining road that leaves me all alone
The wind is blowing down the silent river

You must live, so I give you to his heart.
But you in God's loving plan might be the missing part
With Heaven's love at stake and hell to pay
I wish that life wasn't always ending up this way

Father knows just who he is and who you are.
Though your mother's heart is broken by your leaving her
Teach you faith and hold you by the heart
I know our God will guide, protect and keep you

If you're to live, I must give you up to God.
Baby boy my love will last forever
A shining road that carries you alone
The wind is blowing down the quiet river

Relevant Tags:
II GGive YYou TTo HHis HHeart ive ou o is eart I iGve oYu oT iHs eHart j hive gou fo jis jeart jI hGive gYou fTo jHis jHeart Ij Ghive Ygou Tfo Hjis Hjeart
9 yive hou 5o uis ueart 9I yGive hYou 5To uHis uHeart I9 Gyive Yhou T5o Huis Hueart l bive 6ou ho nis neart lI bGive 6You hTo nHis nHeart Il Gbive Y6ou Tho Hnis Hneart
o vive uou yo bis beart oI vGive uYou yTo bHis bHeart Io Gvive Yuou Tyo Hbis Hbeart k five 7ou 6o gis geart kI fGive 7You 6To gHis gHeart Ik Gfive Y7ou T6o Hgis Hgeart
8 tive jou go yis yeart 8I tGive jYou gTo yHis yHeart I8 Gtive Yjou Tgo Hyis Hyeart u Giive tou ro Hiis Heeart uI Gve tYou rTo Hs Hart Iu Gvie Ytou Tro Hsi Haert
Gjve Yoou Too Hjs Hsart Gjive Yu T Hseart Gijve Yuo To Hijs Hesart G9ve Yku Tk H9s H3art G9ive Ykou Tko H9is H3eart Gi9ve Yoku Tok Hi9s He3art
Glve Y9u T9 Hls Hfart Glive Y9ou T9o Hlis Hfeart Gilve Yo9u To9 Hils Hefart Gove Y0u T0 Hos Hrart Goive Y0ou T0o Hois Hreart Giove Yo0u To0 Hios Herart
Gkve Ylu Tl Hks H4art Gkive Ylou Tlo Hkis H4eart Gikve Yolu Tol Hiks He4art G8ve Yiu Ti H8s Hdart G8ive Yiou Tio H8is Hdeart Gi8ve Yoiu Toi Hi8s Hedart
Guve Youu Hus Hwart Guive Yo Hweart Giuve You Hius Hewart Givve Yoh Hiss Heaart Gie Yohu Hi Hert Giev Youh His Herat
Gibe Yo7 Hiz Hezrt Gibve Yo7u Hizs Hezart Givbe You7 Hisz Heazrt Gice Yok Hiw Heqrt

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