Alison Krauss & Union Station
Lord Don't Forsake Me

Oh my Lord, Please don't forsake me
This is your child, I'm tired and sore
Oh my Lord, can you hear me?
I need your love; my soul is poor

I can hear, the angels singing
I can see those pearly gates
Oh my Lord, can you hear me?
I need a place where I can rest

Oh my Lord, I can't remember
When I first said, "Come in my life,"
For I have lived my life in darkness,
My whole world is filled with strife

I can hear, the angels singing
I can see those pearly gates
Oh my Lord, can you hear me?
I need a place where I can rest

I can hear, the angels singing
I can see those pearly gates
Oh my Lord, can you hear me?
I need a place where I can rest

Oh my Lord, can you hear me?
I need a place where I can rest.

Mirror lyrics:

I need a place where I can rest.
Oh my Lord, can you hear me?

I need a place where I can rest
Oh my Lord, can you hear me?
I can see those pearly gates
I can hear, the angels singing

I need a place where I can rest
Oh my Lord, can you hear me?
I can see those pearly gates
I can hear, the angels singing

My whole world is filled with strife
For I have lived my life in darkness,
When I first said, "Come in my life,"
Oh my Lord, I can't remember

I need a place where I can rest
Oh my Lord, can you hear me?
I can see those pearly gates
I can hear, the angels singing

I need your love; my soul is poor
Oh my Lord, can you hear me?
This is your child, I'm tired and sore
Oh my Lord, Please don't forsake me

Relevant Tags:
LLord DDon't FForsake MMe ord on't orsake e oLrd oDn't oFrsake eM kord xon't corsake je kLord xDon't cForsake jMe Lkord Dxon't Fcorsake Mje
oord eon't rorsake ke oLord eDon't rForsake kMe Loord Deon't Frorsake Mke pord fon't gorsake ne pLord fDon't gForsake nMe Lpord Dfon't Fgorsake Mne
ron't torsake Mee Lrd rDon't tForsake M Lrod Dron't Ftorsake Me Lkrd con't vorsake Ms cDon't vForsake Mse Lokrd Dcon't Fvorsake Mes
L9rd son't dorsake M3 L9ord sDon't dForsake M3e Lo9rd Dson't Fdorsake Me3 L0rd Doon't Foorsake Mf L0ord Dn't Frsake Mfe Lo0rd Dno't Frosake Mef
Llrd Dkn't Fkrsake Mr Llord Dkon't Fkorsake Mre Lolrd Dokn't Fokrsake Mer Lird D9n't F9rsake M4 Liord D9on't F9orsake M4e Loird Do9n't Fo9rsake Me4
Lorrd D0n't F0rsake Md Lod D0on't F0orsake Mde Lodr Do0n't Fo0rsake Med Lodd Dln't Flrsake Mw Lodrd Dlon't Florsake Mwe Lordd Doln't Folrsake Mew
Lo4d Din't Firsake Lo4rd Dion't Fiorsake Lor4d Doin't Foirsake Logd Donn't Forrsake Logrd Do't Fosake Lorgd Do'nt Fosrake
Lotd Dom't Fodsake Lotrd Domn't Fodrsake Lortd Donm't Fordsake Lo5d Doh't Fo4sake Lo5rd Dohn't Fo4rsake Lor5d Donh't For4sake
Lofd Doj't Fogsake Lofrd Dojn't Fogrsake Lorfd Donj't Forgsake Loed Dob't Fotsake Loerd Dobn't Fotrsake Lored Donb't Fortsake
Don''t Fo5sake Lor Dont Fo5rsake Lord Dont' For5sake Lorx Don'tt Fofsake Lorxd Don' Fofrsake Lordx Don't Forfsake
Lore Don'f Foesake Don'ft Foersake Lorde Don'tf Foresake Lorf Don'5 Forssake Don'5t Forake Lordf Don't5 Foraske
Lorr Don'h Forzake Don'ht Forzsake Lordr Don'th Forszake

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