Alison Krauss & Union Station
I Don't Believe You've Met My Baby

(Autry Inman)

I went strolling in the evening underneath the harvest moon
I was thinking about you
Then we met out in the moonlight the stars we shining in your eyes
But another was there too.

I don't believe you've met my baby he looked at me he looked at you
You wondered who I was talking to
I shook the hand of your stranger but I was shaking more inside
I was still wondering who.

His arms were resting on my shoulders
He smiled at you
He smiled at me
His eyes were filled with victory.

He said my sister was to marry then it was, oh, so plain to see
I knew that you would marry me
I don't believe you've met my baby
I knew that you would marry me...

Mirror lyrics:

I knew that you would marry me...
I don't believe you've met my baby
I knew that you would marry me
He said my sister was to marry then it was, oh, so plain to see

His eyes were filled with victory.
He smiled at me
He smiled at you
His arms were resting on my shoulders

I was still wondering who.
I shook the hand of your stranger but I was shaking more inside
You wondered who I was talking to
I don't believe you've met my baby he looked at me he looked at you

But another was there too.
Then we met out in the moonlight the stars we shining in your eyes
I was thinking about you
I went strolling in the evening underneath the harvest moon

(Autry Inman)

Relevant Tags:
II DDon't BBelieve YYou've MMet MMy BBaby on't elieve ou've et y aby I oDn't eBlieve oYu've eMt yM aBby j xon't velieve gou've jet jy vaby jI xDon't vBelieve gYou've jMet jMy vBaby
Ij Dxon't Bvelieve Ygou've Mjet Mjy Bvaby 9 eon't gelieve hou've ket ky gaby 9I eDon't gBelieve hYou've kMet kMy gBaby I9 Deon't Bgelieve Yhou've Mket Mky Bgaby l fon't nelieve 6ou've net ny naby
lI fDon't nBelieve 6You've nMet nMy nBaby Il Dfon't Bnelieve Y6ou've Mnet Mny Bnaby o ron't helieve uou've Meet Myy haby oI rDon't hBelieve uYou've Mt M hBaby Io Dron't Bhelieve Yuou've Mte My Bhaby
k con't Beelieve 7ou've Mst Mg Baaby kI cDon't Blieve 7You've Mset Mgy Bby Ik Dcon't Bleieve Y7ou've Mest Myg Bbay 8 son't Bslieve jou've M3t Mh Bzby 8I sDon't Bselieve jYou've M3et Mhy Bzaby
I8 Dson't Beslieve Yjou've Me3t Myh Bazby u Doon't B3lieve tou've Mft M6 Bqby uI Dn't B3elieve tYou've Mfet M6y Bqaby Iu Dno't Be3lieve Ytou've Meft My6 Baqby Dkn't Bflieve Yoou've Mrt Mu Bsby
Dkon't Bfelieve Yu've Mret Muy Bsaby Dokn't Beflieve Yuo've Mert Myu Basby D9n't Brlieve Yku've M4t M7 Bwby D9on't Brelieve Ykou've M4et M7y Bwaby Do9n't Berlieve Yoku've Me4t My7 Bawby
D0n't B4lieve Y9u've Mdt Mj Bxby D0on't B4elieve Y9ou've Mdet Bxaby Do0n't Be4lieve Yo9u've Medt Myj Baxby Dln't Bdlieve Y0u've Mwt Mt Babby Dlon't Bdelieve Y0ou've Mwet Mty Bay
Doln't Bedlieve Yo0u've Mewt Myt Bayb Din't Bwlieve Ylu've Mett Bavy Dion't Bwelieve Ylou've Me Bavby Doin't Bewlieve Yolu've Met Babvy Donn't Bellieve Yiu've Mef Bagy
Do't Beieve Yiou've Bagby Do'nt Beileve Yoiu've Metf Babgy Dom't Bekieve Youu've Me5 Bany Domn't Beklieve Yo've Me5t Banby Donm't Belkieve Yo'uve Met5 Babny
Doh't Beoieve Yoh've Meh Bahy Dohn't Beolieve Yohu've Meht Bahby Donh't Beloieve Youh've Meth Babhy Doj't Bepieve Yo7've Mey Babyy Dojn't Beplieve Yo7u've Meyt Bab
Donj't Belpieve You7've Mety Baby Dob't Beliieve Yok've Me6 Babg Dobn't Beleve Me6t Donb't Beleive Youk've Met6 Babyg Don''t Beljeve Yoi've Meg Babh
Dont Beljieve Megt Dont' Belijeve Youi've Metg Babyh Don'tt Bel9eve Yo8've Mer Bab6 Don' Bel9ieve Yo8u've Bab6y Don't Beli9eve You8've Metr Baby6
Don'f Belleve Yoj've Babu Don'ft Yoju've Babuy Don'tf Belileve Youj've Babyu Don'5 Beloeve Yoy've Bab7 Don'5t Yoyu've Bab7y
Don't5 Belioeve Youy've Baby7 Don'h Belkeve You''ve Babj

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