Alicia Keys
Pray For Forgiveness

Beautiful garden, where have you gone?
My self delusions are leaving me in the storm
Taking for granted, all the goodness that I've found
Somewhere I lost all, the control came crashing down.

And I pray for forgiveness
Look for the answers
Cause its hard
For me to pretend
Look to my mother
Call to the captain
Can't you see
This state that I'm in
No one would notice
Nobody noticed
Cause it's me where it began

Beautiful morning, please don't wake me from my sleep
Cause I need some comfort, to regain my sanity
I don't want to feel this crazy,
I don't want to feel this guarded
Shattered in a million pieces
I'm so broken hearted
No where left to run
No where left to go
So I hope

I pray for forgiveness
Look for the answers
Cause its hard for me to pretend
Look to my mother
Call to the captain
Cant you see
This state that I'm in?
And no one would notice
Nobody noticed
That it's me, where it began
And I pray for forgiveness within

I swear that everyday I feel like my mind is haunting me
I think of every little stupid mistake that has been made
This time I don't have the strength to gather myself
I'm falling to pieces

And I pray for forgiveness
Look for the answer
Cause its hard for me to pretend
Look to my mother
Call to the captain
Cant you see
This state that I'm in
Pray for forgiveness
Looking for justice
Searching for answers
Call to my mother
Pray for forgiveness
Breaking the silence

Nobody knows it, nobody noticed
That it's me
Where it began

Mirror lyrics:

Where it began
That it's me
Nobody knows it, nobody noticed

Breaking the silence
Pray for forgiveness
Call to my mother
Searching for answers
Looking for justice
Pray for forgiveness
This state that I'm in
Cant you see
Call to the captain
Look to my mother
Cause its hard for me to pretend
Look for the answer
And I pray for forgiveness

I'm falling to pieces
This time I don't have the strength to gather myself
I think of every little stupid mistake that has been made
I swear that everyday I feel like my mind is haunting me

And I pray for forgiveness within
That it's me, where it began
Nobody noticed
And no one would notice
This state that I'm in?
Cant you see
Call to the captain
Look to my mother
Cause its hard for me to pretend
Look for the answers
I pray for forgiveness

So I hope
No where left to go
No where left to run
I'm so broken hearted
Shattered in a million pieces
I don't want to feel this guarded
I don't want to feel this crazy,
Cause I need some comfort, to regain my sanity
Beautiful morning, please don't wake me from my sleep

Cause it's me where it began
Nobody noticed
No one would notice
This state that I'm in
Can't you see
Call to the captain
Look to my mother
For me to pretend
Cause its hard
Look for the answers
And I pray for forgiveness

Somewhere I lost all, the control came crashing down.
Taking for granted, all the goodness that I've found
My self delusions are leaving me in the storm
Beautiful garden, where have you gone?

Relevant Tags:
PPray FFor FForgiveness ray or orgiveness rPay oFr oFrgiveness 0ray cor corgiveness 0Pray cFor cForgiveness P0ray Fcor Fcorgiveness
lray ror rorgiveness lPray rFor rForgiveness Plray Fror Frorgiveness oray gor gorgiveness oPray gFor gForgiveness Poray Fgor Fgorgiveness
Prray tor torgiveness Pay tFor tForgiveness Pary Ftor Ftorgiveness Pday vor vorgiveness Pdray vFor vForgiveness Prday Fvor Fvorgiveness
P4ay dor dorgiveness P4ray dFor dForgiveness Pr4ay Fdor Fdorgiveness Pgay Foor Foorgiveness Pgray Fr Frgiveness Prgay Fro Frogiveness
Ptay Fkr Fkrgiveness Ptray Fkor Fkorgiveness Prtay Fokr Fokrgiveness P5ay F9r F9rgiveness P5ray F9or F9orgiveness Pr5ay Fo9r Fo9rgiveness
Pfay F0r F0rgiveness Pfray F0or F0orgiveness Prfay Fo0r Fo0rgiveness Peay Flr Flrgiveness Peray Flor Florgiveness Preay Folr Folrgiveness
Praay Fir Firgiveness Pry Fior Fiorgiveness Prya Foir Foirgiveness Przy Forr Forrgiveness Przay Fo Fogiveness Prazy For Fogriveness
Prqy Fod Fodgiveness Prqay Fodr Fodrgiveness Praqy Ford Fordgiveness Prsy Fo4 Fo4giveness Prsay Fo4r Fo4rgiveness Prasy For4 For4giveness
Prwy Fog Foggiveness Prway Fogr Fogrgiveness Prawy Forg Forggiveness Prxy Fot Fotgiveness Prxay Fotr Fotrgiveness Praxy Fort Fortgiveness
Prayy Fo5 Fo5giveness Pra Fo5r Fo5rgiveness Pray For5 For5giveness Prag Fof Fofgiveness Pragy Fofr Fofrgiveness Prayg Forf Forfgiveness
Prah Foe Foegiveness Prahy Foer Foergiveness Prayh Fore Foregiveness Pra6 Pra6y Foriveness Pray6 Forigveness
Prau Forhiveness Prauy Forhgiveness Prayu Forghiveness Pra7 Foryiveness Pra7y Forygiveness Pray7 Forgyiveness
Praj Forbiveness Prajy Forbgiveness Prayj Forgbiveness Prat Forviveness Praty Forvgiveness Prayt Forgviveness
Forfiveness Forgfiveness Fortiveness Forgtiveness Forgiiveness Forgveness
Forgvieness Forgjveness Forgjiveness Forgijveness Forg9veness Forg9iveness
Forgi9veness Forglveness Forgliveness Forgilveness Forgoveness Forgoiveness
Forgioveness Forgkveness Forgkiveness Forgikveness Forg8veness Forg8iveness
Forgi8veness Forguveness

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