Alicia Keys
Mr. Man (duet With Jimmy Cozier)

[Verse 1:]
[Jimmy Cozier]
Somethin' about the way you smiled at me just drove me wild
Wish I could know if you're alone, don't wanna cramp you style
But I cannot deny the feel that I feel when I look straight in through your eyes
Feel my heart beating fast for a challenge may rise

I wanna know if you feel the way I do (I do)
I wanna know if there's a chance for me and you (and you)
If there's no way, meet at the bar and you say can't (you can't)
Cuz I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
Unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr. Man,
Unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr. Man, unfair

[Verse 2:]
[Alicia Keys]
Like the way you've given me attention through the night
Maybe I've had too much Remi, my man's right by my side
Everytime I catch you watchin' me, feel somethin' down my spine
I'll play the game, it's just for fun and only for tonite, all night...

I wanna know what makes you feel the way you do (you do)
I think you're hopin' there's a chance for me and you (and you)
Should I meet you at the bar and say we can't? (we can't)
Cuz I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
Unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr. Man,
Unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr. Man

I know all you wanna know is answers
Could you gimme what I need (you can gimme what I need)
We both know that we're attracted
Should we let our desires lead?

I wanna know if you feel the way I do (I know, you know)
I wanna know if there's a chance for me and you (u can tell me, tell me)
If there's no way, meet at the bar and say you can't (I can't)
Cuz I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
Unfair to Mr. Man

I wanna know if you feel the way I do (do you wanna know? I know you do)
I wanna know if there's a chance for me and you (and you)
If there's no way, meet at the bar and say you can't (I can't, we can't)
Cuz I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
Unfair to Mr. Man (I don't wanna be ...)

I wanna know if you feel the way I do (do u feel me baby?)
I wanna know if there's a chance for me and you (can u tell me)
If there's no way, meet at the bar and say you can't (you can't)
'Cuz I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be unfair to Mr. Man

Mirror lyrics:

'Cuz I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be unfair to Mr. Man
If there's no way, meet at the bar and say you can't (you can't)
I wanna know if there's a chance for me and you (can u tell me)
I wanna know if you feel the way I do (do u feel me baby?)

Unfair to Mr. Man (I don't wanna be ...)
Cuz I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
If there's no way, meet at the bar and say you can't (I can't, we can't)
I wanna know if there's a chance for me and you (and you)
I wanna know if you feel the way I do (do you wanna know? I know you do)

Unfair to Mr. Man
Cuz I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
If there's no way, meet at the bar and say you can't (I can't)
I wanna know if there's a chance for me and you (u can tell me, tell me)
I wanna know if you feel the way I do (I know, you know)

Should we let our desires lead?
We both know that we're attracted
Could you gimme what I need (you can gimme what I need)
I know all you wanna know is answers

Unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr. Man
Unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr. Man,
Cuz I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
Should I meet you at the bar and say we can't? (we can't)
I think you're hopin' there's a chance for me and you (and you)
I wanna know what makes you feel the way you do (you do)

I'll play the game, it's just for fun and only for tonite, all night...
Everytime I catch you watchin' me, feel somethin' down my spine
Maybe I've had too much Remi, my man's right by my side
Like the way you've given me attention through the night
[Alicia Keys]
[Verse 2:]

Unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr. Man, unfair
Unfair to Mr. Man, unfair to Mr. Man,
Cuz I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
If there's no way, meet at the bar and you say can't (you can't)
I wanna know if there's a chance for me and you (and you)
I wanna know if you feel the way I do (I do)

Feel my heart beating fast for a challenge may rise
But I cannot deny the feel that I feel when I look straight in through your eyes
Wish I could know if you're alone, don't wanna cramp you style
Somethin' about the way you smiled at me just drove me wild
[Jimmy Cozier]
[Verse 1:]

Relevant Tags:
MMr. MMan ((duet WWith JJimmy CCozier) r. an duet ith immy ozier) rM. aMn d(uet iWth iJmmy oCzier) jr. jan (dduet aith kimmy fozier) jMr. jMan (uet aWith kJimmy fCozier)
Mjr. Mjan (udet Waith Jkimmy Cfozier) kr. kan (xuet 3ith iimmy xozier) kMr. kMan (xduet 3With iJimmy xCozier) Mkr. Mkan (dxuet W3ith Jiimmy Cxozier) nr. nan (euet dith mimmy vozier)
nMr. nMan (eduet dWith mJimmy vCozier) Mnr. Mnan (deuet Wdith Jmimmy Cvozier) Mrr. Maan (fuet eith nimmy dozier) M. Mn (fduet eWith nJimmy dCozier) M.r Mna (dfuet Weith Jnimmy Cdozier)
Md. Mzn (ruet sith himmy Coozier) Mdr. Mzan (rduet sWith hJimmy Czier) Mrd. Mazn (druet Wsith Jhimmy Czoier) M4. Mqn (cuet 2ith uimmy Ckzier) M4r. Mqan (cduet 2With uJimmy Ckozier)
Mr4. Maqn (dcuet W2ith Juimmy Cokzier) Mg. Msn (suet qith C9zier) Mgr. Msan (sduet qWith Jmmy C9ozier) Mrg. Masn (dsuet Wqith Jmimy Co9zier) Mt. Mwn (duuet Wiith Jjmmy C0zier)
Mtr. Mwan (det Wth Jjimmy C0ozier) Mrt. Mawn (deut Wtih Jijmmy Co0zier) M5. Mxn (dhet Wjth J9mmy Clzier) M5r. Mxan (dhuet Wjith J9immy Clozier) Mr5. Maxn (duhet Wijth Ji9mmy Colzier)
Mf. Mann (d7et W9th Jlmmy Cizier) Mfr. Ma (d7uet W9ith Jlimmy Ciozier) Mrf. Man (du7et Wi9th Jilmmy Coizier) Me. Mam (dket Wlth Jommy Cozzier) Mer. Mamn (dkuet Wlith Joimmy Coier)
Mre. Manm (duket Wilth Jiommy Coizer) Mr.. Mah (diet Woth Jkmmy Coaier) Mr Mahn (diuet Woith Coazier) Mr. Manh (duiet Wioth Jikmmy Cozaier) Maj (d8et Wkth J8mmy Cosier)
Majn (d8uet Wkith J8immy Coszier) Manj (du8et Wikth Ji8mmy Cozsier) Mab (djet W8th Jummy Coxier) Mabn (djuet W8ith Coxzier) Manb (dujet Wi8th Jiummy Cozxier)
(dyet Wuth Jimmmy Coziier) (dyuet Wuith Jimy Cozer) (duyet Wiuth Jimmy Cozeir) (dueet Witth Jijmy Cozjer) (dut Wih Cozjier)
(dute Wiht Jimjmy Cozijer) (dust Wifh Jikmy Coz9er) (duset Wifth Coz9ier) (duest Witfh Jimkmy Cozi9er) (du3t Wi5h Jinmy Cozler)
(du3et Wi5th Jinmmy Cozlier) (due3t Wit5h Jimnmy Coziler) (duft Wihh Cozoer)

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