Alice In Wonderland (related Recordings)
A Very Merry Un Birthday

A very merry
Unbirthday to you,
To you, A very merry
Unbirthday to you,
To you,
It's great to
Drink to someone ,
And I guess that
You will do,
A very merry
Unbirthday to you!

statistics prove that you've
one birthday
one birthday every year
but there are 364 un birthdays
that is why we are all gathered here

a very merry unbirthday to all
to all
a very merry unbirthday to all
to all
thats how we sing the day away
a verry merry unbirthday
to all

Mirror lyrics:

to all
a verry merry unbirthday
thats how we sing the day away
to all
a very merry unbirthday to all
to all
a very merry unbirthday to all

that is why we are all gathered here
but there are 364 un birthdays
one birthday every year
one birthday
statistics prove that you've

Unbirthday to you!
A very merry
You will do,
And I guess that
Drink to someone ,
It's great to
To you,
Unbirthday to you,
To you, A very merry
Unbirthday to you,
A very merry

Relevant Tags:
AA VVery MMerry UUn BBirthday ery erry n irthday A eVry eMrry nU iBrthday z bery jerry hn virthday zA bVery jMerry hUn vBirthday Az Vbery Mjerry Uhn Bvirthday
q cery kerry 7n girthday qA cVery kMerry 7Un gBirthday Aq Vcery Mkerry U7n Bgirthday s gery nerry kn nirthday sA gVery nMerry kUn nBirthday As Vgery Mnerry Ukn Bnirthday
w fery Meerry in hirthday wA fVery Mrry iUn hBirthday Aw Vfery Mrery Uin Bhirthday x Veery Msrry 8n Biirthday xA Vry Mserry 8Un Brthday Ax Vrey Mesrry U8n Brithday
Vsry M3rry jn Bjrthday Vsery M3erry jUn Bjirthday Vesry Me3rry Ujn Bijrthday V3ry Mfrry yn B9rthday V3ery Mferry yUn B9irthday Ve3ry Mefrry Uyn Bi9rthday
Vfry Mrrry Unn Blrthday Mrerry U Blirthday Vefry Merrry Un Bilrthday Vrry M4rry Um Borthday Vrery M4erry Umn Boirthday Verry Me4rry Unm Biorthday
V4ry Mdrry Uh Bkrthday V4ery Mderry Bkirthday Ve4ry Medrry Unh Bikrthday Vdry Mwrry Uj B8rthday Vdery Mwerry B8irthday Vedry Mewrry Unj Bi8rthday
Vwry Ub Burthday Vwery Mery Ubn Buirthday Vewry Merry Unb Biurthday Medry Birrthday Vey Bithday Veyr Merdry Bitrhday
Vedy Me4ry Bidthday Bidrthday Verdy Mer4ry Birdthday Ve4y Megry Bi4thday Megrry Bi4rthday Ver4y Mergry Bir4thday
Vegy Metry Bigthday Vegry Metrry Bigrthday Vergy Mertry Birgthday Vety Me5ry Bitthday Vetry Me5rry Bitrthday Verty Mer5ry Birtthday
Ve5y Mefry Bi5thday Ve5ry Bi5rthday Ver5y Merfry Bir5thday Vefy Meery Bifthday Bifrthday Verfy Merery Birfthday
Veey Biethday Bierthday Verey Meryr Birethday Veryy Merdy Ver Birhday Very Merrdy Birhtday
Verg Mer4y Birfhday Veryg Merr4y Birtfhday Verh Mergy Bir5hday Verhy Veryh Merrgy Birt5hday Ver6 Merty Birhhday
Ver6y Birhthday Very6 Merrty Birthhday Veru Mer5y Biryhday Veruy Birythday Veryu Merr5y Birtyhday Ver7 Merfy Bir6hday
Ver7y Bir6thday Very7 Merrfy Birt6hday

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