Guardian Angel

Be my guard just for tonight, that is all I'm asking for
Take me under your wing, I can't make it anymore
I am so full of fear, may you read a book to me
And when the shadows grow won't you stay with me

Will you be my guard tonight? That is all I'm asking for
Will you be my guard tonight? That is all I need to know

Be my guard beside my bed, that is all I need to know
Will you please hold my hand, don't you ever let it go
All the wonders of the world for a little second more
I can't speak but can't you see, it's your touch I'm crying for

Will you be my guard tonight? That is all I'm asking for
Will you be my guard tonight? That is all I need to know

Be my guard just until dawn, when I can hear the birds again
I'm as helpless as can be, will you guard my little flame
If we never meet again, you shall always keep in mind
That you were my guard tonight, that you were my guard tonight

Will you be my guard tonight?..

Mirror lyrics:

Will you be my guard tonight?..

That you were my guard tonight, that you were my guard tonight
If we never meet again, you shall always keep in mind
I'm as helpless as can be, will you guard my little flame
Be my guard just until dawn, when I can hear the birds again

Will you be my guard tonight? That is all I need to know
Will you be my guard tonight? That is all I'm asking for

I can't speak but can't you see, it's your touch I'm crying for
All the wonders of the world for a little second more
Will you please hold my hand, don't you ever let it go
Be my guard beside my bed, that is all I need to know

Will you be my guard tonight? That is all I need to know
Will you be my guard tonight? That is all I'm asking for

And when the shadows grow won't you stay with me
I am so full of fear, may you read a book to me
Take me under your wing, I can't make it anymore
Be my guard just for tonight, that is all I'm asking for

Relevant Tags:
GGuardian AAngel uardian ngel uGardian nAgel huardian zngel hGuardian zAngel Ghuardian Azngel yuardian qngel yGuardian qAngel
Gyuardian Aqngel buardian sngel bGuardian sAngel Gbuardian Asngel vuardian wngel vGuardian wAngel Gvuardian Awngel fuardian xngel
fGuardian xAngel Gfuardian Axngel tuardian Anngel tGuardian Agel Gtuardian Agnel Guuardian Amgel Gardian Amngel Gaurdian Anmgel
Ghardian Ahgel Ahngel Guhardian Anhgel G7ardian Ajgel G7uardian Ajngel Gu7ardian Anjgel Gkardian Abgel Gkuardian Abngel
Gukardian Anbgel Giardian Anggel Giuardian Anel Guiardian Anegl G8ardian Anhel G8uardian Gu8ardian Anghel Gjardian Anyel
Gjuardian Anygel Gujardian Angyel Gyardian Anbel Guyardian Angbel Guaardian Anvel Gurdian Anvgel Guradian Angvel Guzrdian Anfel
Guzardian Anfgel Guazrdian Angfel Guqrdian Antel Guqardian Antgel Guaqrdian Angtel Gusrdian Angeel Gusardian Angl Guasrdian Angle
Guwrdian Angsl Guwardian Angsel Guawrdian Angesl Guxrdian Ang3l Guxardian Ang3el Guaxrdian Ange3l Guarrdian Angfl Guadian
Guadrian Angefl Guaddian Angrl Guadrdian Angrel Guarddian Angerl Gua4dian Ang4l Gua4rdian Ang4el Guar4dian Ange4l Guagdian Angdl
Guagrdian Angdel Guargdian Angedl Guatdian Angwl Guatrdian Angwel Guartdian Angewl Gua5dian Angell Gua5rdian Ange

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