Sometime Later

Touch my hand
It's only me, listen
I'm here.

Come to stand
In sultry fields
With you.

And now
Old dummy day
I know
Is over this way.

I'm laughing
Saw you gonna kiss me
You see
Yeah as I said.

One day she won't
A lonely bird

Judgement day
Saw the world it's gone

Sold the sea
A lot how it feels to me.

I hate the word it's sad to see
I take your weight
And your heart fades away
Today a renegade
To lay in woods
By the pheasants.

I mean it
You don't
Force on my head
Kill our nightmare.

A lonely bird, a lonely bird
A lonely bird, a lonely bird
A lonely bird, alone.

Colour me
Cover me in the colour that reminds you

Could make the same mistake
And you would never know
That I am, that I am
Alone, now.

Something, something
Tells me that you
Have something
On, all of us now
You're heaven
Taking over me now
Colour me hate
Raw little nerve
Colour me and pull us
Only home
Me home.

Hold the sun down
Hold the sun down
Hold the moon down
Leave me to rest
Want the world man
Too the words out
Only relief is
To slip through the nets
Hold a minute
And stop a minute
And go, oh oh
Hold a minute
You said to me
Said to me and
Breath, breath, breath, breath, breath ...
You said it to me
Sometime later.

Mirror lyrics:

Sometime later.
You said it to me
Breath, breath, breath, breath, breath ...
Said to me and
You said to me
Hold a minute
And go, oh oh
And stop a minute
Hold a minute
To slip through the nets
Only relief is
Too the words out
Want the world man
Leave me to rest
Hold the moon down
Hold the sun down
Hold the sun down

Me home.
Only home
Colour me and pull us
Raw little nerve
Colour me hate
Taking over me now
You're heaven
On, all of us now
Have something
Tells me that you
Something, something

Alone, now.
That I am, that I am
And you would never know
Could make the same mistake

Cover me in the colour that reminds you
Colour me

A lonely bird, alone.
A lonely bird, a lonely bird
A lonely bird, a lonely bird

Kill our nightmare.
Force on my head
You don't
I mean it

By the pheasants.
To lay in woods
Today a renegade
And your heart fades away
I take your weight
I hate the word it's sad to see

A lot how it feels to me.
Sold the sea

Saw the world it's gone
Judgement day

A lonely bird
One day she won't

Yeah as I said.
You see
Saw you gonna kiss me
I'm laughing

Is over this way.
I know
Old dummy day
And now

With you.
In sultry fields
Come to stand

I'm here.
It's only me, listen
Touch my hand

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Soetime Lahter Soemtime Lather Sojetime Layer Sojmetime Layter Somjetime Latyer Soketime La6er La6ter Somketime Lat6er
Sonetime Lager Sonmetime Lagter Somnetime Latger Someetime Larer Somtime Larter Somteime Latrer Somstime Lateer Somsetime Latr
Somestime Latre Som3time Latsr Som3etime Latser Some3time Latesr Somftime Lat3r Somfetime Lat3er Someftime Late3r Somrtime Latfr
Somretime Somertime Latefr Som4time Latrr Som4etime Some4time Laterr Somdtime Lat4r Somdetime Lat4er Somedtime Late4r
Somwtime Latdr Somwetime Latder Somewtime Latedr Somettime Latwr Someime Latwer

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