Alove For Enemies
Center Of Attention

Why do some of you think you're better than everyone who is around you?
We all live, love, bleed, die
Why do some of you think you're better than everyone who is around you?
Your pride will bring you down

Your pride will bring you down, keep your head up in the clouds
I'll knock your fight back to the ground
Your pride will bring you down

And now you'll learn, that you're no better than me
And I'm not better than you
You'll learn this all right now

Christian or not, you're forgiven

Mirror lyrics:

Christian or not, you're forgiven

You'll learn this all right now
And I'm not better than you
And now you'll learn, that you're no better than me

Your pride will bring you down
I'll knock your fight back to the ground
Your pride will bring you down, keep your head up in the clouds

Your pride will bring you down
Why do some of you think you're better than everyone who is around you?
We all live, love, bleed, die
Why do some of you think you're better than everyone who is around you?

Relevant Tags:
CCenter OOf AAttention enter f ttention eCnter fO tAtention fenter kf zttention fCenter kOf zAttention Cfenter Okf Azttention
xenter 9f qttention xCenter 9Of qAttention Cxenter O9f Aqttention venter 0f sttention vCenter 0Of sAttention Cventer O0f Asttention
denter lf wttention dCenter lOf wAttention Cdenter Olf Awttention Ceenter if xttention Cnter iOf xAttention Cneter Oif Axttention
Csnter Off Atttention Csenter O Atention Cesnter Of Attention C3nter Oc Aftention C3enter Ocf Afttention Ce3nter Ofc Atftention
Cfnter Or A5tention Orf A5ttention Cefnter Ofr At5tention Crnter Og Ahtention Crenter Ogf Ahttention Cernter Ofg Athtention
C4nter Ot Aytention C4enter Otf Ayttention Ce4nter Oft Atytention Cdnter Ov A6tention Ovf A6ttention Cednter Ofv At6tention
Cwnter Od Agtention Cwenter Odf Agttention Cewnter Ofd Atgtention Cennter Artention Ceter Arttention Cetner Atrtention
Cemter Cemnter Cenmter Atetntion Cehter Atfention Cehnter Cenhter Attfention
Cejter At5ention Cejnter Cenjter Att5ention Cebter Athention Cebnter Cenbter Atthention
Centter Atyention Cener Cenetr Attyention Cenfer At6ention Cenfter Centfer Att6ention
Cen5er Atgention Cen5ter Cent5er Attgention Cenher Atrention Centher Attrention Cenyer Atteention
Cenyter Attntion Centyer Attnetion Cen6er Attsntion Cen6ter Attsention Cent6er Attesntion Cenger Att3ntion
Cengter Att3ention Centger Atte3ntion Cenrer Attfntion Cenrter Centrer Attefntion Centeer Attrntion
Centr Centre Atterntion Centsr Att4ntion Centser Att4ention Centesr Atte4ntion

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