Alice Cooper
Goin' To The River

Well I'm goin' to the river, gonna jump off a boat and drown
Yes, I'm goin' to the river, gonna jump off a boat and drown
Because the gal I love, she's gone and left this town
Well when she left me, I bowed my head and cried
When she left me, I bowed my head and cried
I Never thought I'd be, I'd be the one to cry
So if you see my baby, tell her goodbye for me
If you see my baby, tell her goodbye for me
Cause I'm tired of livin', baby livin' in misery
That's why I'm goin' to the river, gonna jump off a boat and drown
Yes, I'm goin' to the river, gonna jump off a boat and drown
Because the gal I love, she's gone and left this town

Mirror lyrics:

Because the gal I love, she's gone and left this town
Yes, I'm goin' to the river, gonna jump off a boat and drown
That's why I'm goin' to the river, gonna jump off a boat and drown
Cause I'm tired of livin', baby livin' in misery
If you see my baby, tell her goodbye for me
So if you see my baby, tell her goodbye for me
I Never thought I'd be, I'd be the one to cry
When she left me, I bowed my head and cried
Well when she left me, I bowed my head and cried
Because the gal I love, she's gone and left this town
Yes, I'm goin' to the river, gonna jump off a boat and drown
Well I'm goin' to the river, gonna jump off a boat and drown

Relevant Tags:
GGoin' TTo TThe RRiver oin' o he iver oGin' oT hTe iRver hoin' fo fhe diver hGoin' fTo fThe dRiver Ghoin' Tfo Tfhe Rdiver
yoin' 5o 5he 4iver yGoin' 5To 5The 4River Gyoin' T5o T5he R4iver boin' ho hhe giver bGoin' hTo hThe gRiver Gboin' Tho Thhe Rgiver
voin' yo yhe tiver vGoin' yTo yThe tRiver Gvoin' Tyo Tyhe Rtiver foin' 6o 6he 5iver fGoin' 6To 6The 5River Gfoin' T6o T6he R5iver
toin' go ghe fiver tGoin' gTo gThe fRiver Gtoin' Tgo Tghe Rfiver Gooin' ro rhe eiver Gin' rTo rThe eRiver Gion' Tro Trhe Reiver
Gkin' Too Riiver Gkoin' T Te Rver Gokin' To Teh Rvier G9in' Tk Tje Rjver G9oin' Tko Tjhe Rjiver Go9in' Tok Thje Rijver
G0in' T9 Tue R9ver G0oin' T9o Tuhe R9iver Go0in' To9 Thue Ri9ver Glin' T0 Tne Rlver Gloin' T0o Tnhe Rliver Golin' To0 Thne Rilver
Giin' Tl Tbe Rover Gioin' Tlo Tbhe Roiver Goiin' Tol Thbe Riover Ti Tge Rkver Gon' Tio Rkiver Goni' Toi Thge Rikver
Gojn' Tye R8ver Gojin' R8iver Goijn' Thye Ri8ver Go9n' Thee Ruver Th Ruiver Goi9n' The Riuver
Goln' Ths Rivver Thse Rier Goiln' Thes Rievr Goon' Th3 Riber Th3e Ribver

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