Alias Soundtrack
Nina Storey If I Were An Angel

Feel the pounding of my conscience.
Feel the tempest of my fear.
You take the path of least resistance.
(I) fall into another year.

You kiss the calm away completely.
While you walk the edge of fool.
But you so unravel all my senses.
And I'm trying hard to be so cool.

Because I can see that it may not work.
You may be a catch, you may be a jerk.
Because you're no hero and I'm no star,
so until we figure just who we are, who we are...

I ask if I was an angel that lit up the sky,
If I was the reason you slept through the night,
Would you promise tomorrow at the end of today?
If I was your angel,

Do I dare to trust my instincts?
I hear your breathing in my sigh.
But these threads I wear,
well they almost complete me.
But I could always change my mind.

Cause I figure if it don't work out,
we can laugh and claim it was all in doubt.
You were on the rocks,
I was on a curve.
It was worth a shot,
but we lost our nerve.
We lost our nerve...

I ask if I was an angel that lit up the sky,
If I was the reason you slept through the night,
Would you promise tomorrow at the end of today?
If I was your angel,

If I was your,
If I was your,
I was the reason that you,
Slept through the night,
Would you promise me tomorrow,
At the end of today,
If I was your angel
If I
Was Your

Angel (repeat chorus)
Would you promise me tomorrow
And if I was the reason
That you slept at the day

If I was your angel,
If I,
If I was your angel....

Mirror lyrics:

If I was your angel....
If I,
If I was your angel,

That you slept at the day
And if I was the reason
Would you promise me tomorrow
Angel (repeat chorus)

Was Your
If I
If I was your angel
At the end of today,
Would you promise me tomorrow,
Slept through the night,
I was the reason that you,
If I was your,
If I was your,

If I was your angel,
Would you promise tomorrow at the end of today?
If I was the reason you slept through the night,
I ask if I was an angel that lit up the sky,

We lost our nerve...
but we lost our nerve.
It was worth a shot,
I was on a curve.
You were on the rocks,
we can laugh and claim it was all in doubt.
Cause I figure if it don't work out,

But I could always change my mind.
well they almost complete me.
But these threads I wear,
I hear your breathing in my sigh.
Do I dare to trust my instincts?

If I was your angel,
Would you promise tomorrow at the end of today?
If I was the reason you slept through the night,
I ask if I was an angel that lit up the sky,

so until we figure just who we are, who we are...
Because you're no hero and I'm no star,
You may be a catch, you may be a jerk.
Because I can see that it may not work.

And I'm trying hard to be so cool.
But you so unravel all my senses.
While you walk the edge of fool.
You kiss the calm away completely.

(I) fall into another year.
You take the path of least resistance.
Feel the tempest of my fear.
Feel the pounding of my conscience.

Relevant Tags:
NNina SStorey IIf II WWere AAn AAngel ina torey f ere n ngel iNna tSorey fI I eWre nA nAgel mina ztorey jf j aere zn zngel mNina zStorey jIf jI aWere zAn zAngel
Nmina Sztorey Ijf Ij Waere Azn Azngel hina wtorey 9f 9 3ere qn qngel hNina wStorey 9If 9I 3Were qAn qAngel Nhina Swtorey I9f I9 W3ere Aqn Aqngel jina dtorey lf l dere sn sngel
jNina dStorey lIf lI dWere sAn sAngel Njina Sdtorey Ilf Il Wdere Asn Asngel bina etorey of o eere wn wngel bNina eStorey oIf oI eWere wAn wAngel Nbina Setorey Iof Io Weere Awn Awngel
Niina xtorey kf k sere xn xngel Nna xStorey kIf kI sWere xAn xAngel Nnia Sxtorey Ikf Ik Wsere Axn Axngel Njna atorey 8f 8 2ere Ann Anngel aStorey 8If 8I 2Were A Agel
Nijna Satorey I8f I8 W2ere An Agnel N9na Sttorey uf u qere Am Amgel N9ina Sorey uIf uI qWere Amn Amngel Ni9na Sotrey Iuf Iu Wqere Anm Anmgel Nlna Sforey Iff Ah Ahgel
Nlina Sftorey I Wre Ahn Ahngel Nilna Stforey If Wree Anh Anhgel Nona S5orey Ic Wsre Aj Ajgel Noina S5torey Icf Ajn Ajngel Niona St5orey Ifc Wesre Anj Anjgel
Nkna Shorey Ir W3re Ab Abgel Nkina Shtorey Irf Abn Abngel Nikna Sthorey Ifr We3re Anb Anbgel N8na Syorey Ig Wfre Anggel N8ina Sytorey Igf Wfere Anel
Ni8na Styorey Ifg Wefre Anegl Nuna S6orey It Wrre Anhel Nuina S6torey Itf Wrere Niuna St6orey Ift Werre Anghel Ninna Sgorey Iv W4re Anyel
Nia Sgtorey Ivf W4ere Anygel Nian Stgorey Ifv We4re Angyel Nima Srorey Id Wdre Anbel Nimna Srtorey Idf Ninma Strorey Ifd Wedre Angbel
Niha Stoorey Wwre Anvel Nihna Strey Wwere Anvgel Ninha Stroey Wewre Angvel Nija Stkrey Anfel Stkorey Wee Anfgel
Ninja Stokrey Weer Angfel Niba St9rey Wede Antel Nibna St9orey Antgel Ninba Sto9rey Werde Angtel Ninaa St0rey We4e Angeel
Nin St0orey Angl Nina Sto0rey Wer4e Angle Ninz Stlrey Wege Angsl Ninza Stlorey Wegre Angsel Ninaz Stolrey Werge Angesl
Ninq Stirey Wete Ang3l Ninqa Stiorey Wetre Ang3el Ninaq Stoirey Werte Ange3l Nins Storrey We5e Angfl Ninsa Stoey We5re

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