Alexz Johnson
I Will Be The Flame (and Cory Lee)

Am I supposed to thank you
For walking in that door
And giving me your love
Like pennies to the floor
You sit there breaking me
Everything you got
If you think that is good enough
You don´t know warm from hot

I won't say I'm sorry
'Cause I wanted something more
'Cause he said
She said
Let´s even up the score
Give it
Take it
Back and forth
That is the nature of the game
You supply the gasoline
And I will be the flame

Said you'd love me better
Swept of my feat
It's time that you deliver
'Cause theres line-up down the street
You´re all talk no action
Maybe that’s not right
I need a rock around my finger
Just wanna rock with you all night

I won't say I'm sorry
'Cause I wanted something more
'Cause he said
She said
Lets even up the score
Give it
Take it
Back and forth
The nature of the game
You supply the gasoline
And I will be the flame

You supply the gasoline
And I will be the flame

Said you´d love me better
Swept of my feat
Its time that you deliver
`Cause theres line-up down the street
You´re all talk no action
Maybe that’s not right

I need a rock around my finger
Just wanna rock with you all night

I won't say I'm sorry
'Cause I wanted something more
'Cause he said
She said
Lets even up the score
Give it
Take it
And Back and forth
That is the nature of the game
You supply the gasoline
And I will be the flame

I will be the flame 3x

I'll be the flame

Mirror lyrics:

I'll be the flame

I will be the flame 3x

And I will be the flame
You supply the gasoline
That is the nature of the game
And Back and forth
Take it
Give it
Lets even up the score
She said
'Cause he said
'Cause I wanted something more
I won't say I'm sorry

Just wanna rock with you all night
I need a rock around my finger

Maybe that’s not right
You´re all talk no action
`Cause theres line-up down the street
Its time that you deliver
Swept of my feat
Said you´d love me better

And I will be the flame
You supply the gasoline

And I will be the flame
You supply the gasoline
The nature of the game
Back and forth
Take it
Give it
Lets even up the score
She said
'Cause he said
'Cause I wanted something more
I won't say I'm sorry

Just wanna rock with you all night
I need a rock around my finger
Maybe that’s not right
You´re all talk no action
'Cause theres line-up down the street
It's time that you deliver
Swept of my feat
Said you'd love me better

And I will be the flame
You supply the gasoline
That is the nature of the game
Back and forth
Take it
Give it
Let´s even up the score
She said
'Cause he said
'Cause I wanted something more
I won't say I'm sorry

You don´t know warm from hot
If you think that is good enough
Everything you got
You sit there breaking me
Like pennies to the floor
And giving me your love
For walking in that door
Am I supposed to thank you

Relevant Tags:
II WWill BBe TThe FFlame ((and CCory LLee) ill e he lame and ory ee) I iWll eB hTe lFame a(nd oCry eLe) j aill ve fhe clame (aand fory kee) jI aWill vBe fThe cFlame (nd fCory kLee)
Ij Waill Bve Tfhe Fclame (nad Cfory Lkee) 9 3ill ge 5he rlame (znd xory oee) 9I 3Will gBe 5The rFlame (zand xCory oLee) I9 W3ill Bge T5he Frlame (aznd Cxory Loee) l dill ne hhe glame (qnd vory pee)
lI dWill nBe hThe gFlame (qand vCory pLee) Il Wdill Bne Thhe Fglame (aqnd Cvory Lpee) o eill he yhe tlame (snd dory Leee) oI eWill hBe yThe tFlame (sand dCory Le) Io Weill Bhe Tyhe Ftlame (asnd Cdory Lee)
k sill Bee 6he vlame (wnd Coory Lse) kI sWill B 6The vFlame (wand Cry Lsee) Ik Wsill Be T6he Fvlame (awnd Croy Lese) 8 2ill Bs ghe dlame (xnd Ckry L3e) 8I 2Will Bse gThe dFlame (xand Ckory L3ee)
I8 W2ill Bes Tghe Fdlame (axnd Cokry Le3e) u qill B3 rhe Fllame (annd C9ry Lfe) uI qWill B3e rThe Fame (ad C9ory Lfee) Iu Wqill Be3 Trhe Falme (adn Co9ry Lefe) Wiill Bf Fkame (amd C0ry Lre)
Wll Bfe Te Fklame (amnd C0ory Lree) Wlil Bef Teh Flkame (anmd Co0ry Lere) Wjll Br Tje Foame (ahd Clry L4e) Wjill Bre Tjhe Folame (ahnd Clory L4ee) Wijll Ber Thje Floame (anhd Colry Le4e)
W9ll B4 Tue Fpame (ajd Ciry Lde) W9ill B4e Tuhe Fplame (ajnd Ciory Ldee) Wi9ll Be4 Thue Flpame (anjd Coiry Lede) Wlll Bd Tne Flaame (abd Corry Lwe) Wlill Bde Tnhe Flme (abnd Coy Lwee)
Willl Bed Thne Flmae (anbd Coyr Lewe) Woll Bw Tbe Flzme (andd Cody Woill Bwe Tbhe Flzame (an Codry Wioll Bew Thbe Flazme (and Cordy Le)e Wkll Tge Flqme (anx Co4y Les)
Wkill Flqame (anxd Co4ry Wikll Thge Flaqme (andx Cor4y Lees) W8ll Tye Flsme (ane Cogy Le3) W8ill Flsame (aned Cogry

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