Heading For The Sun

They are the nameless victims of a generation lost
Searching for somewhere to exist
Held captive by our mistakes
Weak and unable to resist

Resentful minds have ruled too long
You and old, weak and strong

We will drag our hindsight through the twilight of this era
To where our freedom reigns and the old thought is laid to dust
Let the philistines wallow in their decadence
While the enlightened minds usher in the dawning of a new

We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun

Time will come when we are all condemned
For all the damage we have done
Held accountable for all
Battles lost, battles won

We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun

And the earth will coil each year, getting closer to its end
What will our lesson be, when we are all ablaze?
That our benevolence was the start of our decay
Or that we did not learn from the mistakes of the past?

We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun

Mirror lyrics:

We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun

Or that we did not learn from the mistakes of the past?
That our benevolence was the start of our decay
What will our lesson be, when we are all ablaze?
And the earth will coil each year, getting closer to its end

We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun

Battles lost, battles won
Held accountable for all
For all the damage we have done
Time will come when we are all condemned

We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun
(We are)
We are heading for the sun

While the enlightened minds usher in the dawning of a new
Let the philistines wallow in their decadence
To where our freedom reigns and the old thought is laid to dust
We will drag our hindsight through the twilight of this era

You and old, weak and strong
Resentful minds have ruled too long

Weak and unable to resist
Held captive by our mistakes
Searching for somewhere to exist
They are the nameless victims of a generation lost

Relevant Tags:
HHeading FFor TThe SSun eading or he un eHading oFr hTe uSn jeading cor fhe zun jHeading cFor fThe zSun Hjeading Fcor Tfhe Szun
ueading ror 5he wun uHeading rFor 5The wSun Hueading Fror T5he Swun neading gor hhe dun nHeading gFor hThe dSun Hneading Fgor Thhe Sdun
beading tor yhe eun bHeading tFor yThe eSun Hbeading Ftor Tyhe Seun geading vor 6he xun gHeading vFor 6The xSun Hgeading Fvor T6he Sxun
yeading dor ghe aun yHeading dFor gThe aSun Hyeading Fdor Tghe Saun Heeading Foor rhe Suun Hading Fr rThe Sn Haeding Fro Trhe Snu
Hsading Fkr Shn Hseading Fkor Te Shun Hesading Fokr Teh Suhn H3ading F9r Tje S7n H3eading F9or Tjhe S7un He3ading Fo9r Thje Su7n
Hfading F0r Tue Skn Hfeading F0or Tuhe Skun Hefading Fo0r Thue Sukn Hrading Flr Tne Sin Hreading Flor Tnhe Siun Herading Folr Thne Suin
H4ading Fir Tbe S8n H4eading Fior Tbhe S8un He4ading Foir Thbe Su8n Hdading Forr Tge Sjn Hdeading Fo Sjun Hedading For Thge Sujn
Hwading Fod Tye Syn Hweading Fodr Syun Hewading Ford Thye Suyn Heaading Fo4 Thee Sunn Heding Fo4r Th Su Hedaing For4 The Sun
Hezding Fog Ths Sum Hezading Fogr Thse Sumn Heazding Forg Thes Sunm Heqding Fot Th3 Suh Heqading Fotr Th3e Heaqding Fort The3 Sunh
Hesding Fo5 Thf Suj Fo5r Thfe Heasding For5 Thef Sunj Hewding Fof Thr Sub Fofr Thre Subn Heawding Forf Ther Sunb
Hexding Foe Th4 Hexading Foer Th4e Heaxding Fore The4 Headding Thd Heaing Thde Heaidng Thed
Heaxing Thw Thwe Headxing Thew

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