Alexi Murdoch
Her Hands Were Leaves

I see my brother he is walking in the sun
His back is bare, he carries no burden for anyone
I see the island, the silver line
Brother how you shine
And all around the light
And all around the light

Now I see my father, he's so small against the sky
The child, the tree, the shadow's on his eyes
He doesn't know who he's supposed to be
Father you are free
And all around the light
And all around the light

Now my mother she is crying on the stairs
Her hands are leaves, the light is in her hair
As she prays she thinks that no one heard
Mother you are a bird
Mother you are a bird
And all around the light
And all around the light
And all around the light
All around the light

Mirror lyrics:

All around the light
And all around the light
And all around the light
And all around the light
Mother you are a bird
Mother you are a bird
As she prays she thinks that no one heard
Her hands are leaves, the light is in her hair
Now my mother she is crying on the stairs

And all around the light
And all around the light
Father you are free
He doesn't know who he's supposed to be
The child, the tree, the shadow's on his eyes
Now I see my father, he's so small against the sky

And all around the light
And all around the light
Brother how you shine
I see the island, the silver line
His back is bare, he carries no burden for anyone
I see my brother he is walking in the sun

Relevant Tags:
HHer HHands WWere LLeaves er ands ere eaves eHr aHnds eWre eLaves jer jands aere keaves jHer jHands aWere kLeaves Hjer Hjands Waere Lkeaves
uer uands 3ere oeaves uHer uHands 3Were oLeaves Huer Huands W3ere Loeaves ner nands dere peaves nHer nHands dWere pLeaves Hner Hnands Wdere Lpeaves
ber bands eere Leeaves bHer bHands eWere Laves Hber Hbands Weere Laeves ger gands sere Lsaves gHer gHands sWere Lseaves Hger Hgands Wsere Lesaves
yer yands 2ere L3aves yHer yHands 2Were L3eaves Hyer Hyands W2ere Le3aves Heer Haands qere Lfaves Hr Hnds qWere Lfeaves Hre Hnads Wqere Lefaves
Hsr Hznds Lraves Hser Hzands Wre Lreaves Hesr Haznds Wree Leraves H3r Hqnds Wsre L4aves H3er Hqands L4eaves He3r Haqnds Wesre Le4aves
Hfr Hsnds W3re Ldaves Hfer Hsands Ldeaves Hefr Hasnds We3re Ledaves Hrr Hwnds Wfre Lwaves Hrer Hwands Wfere Lweaves Herr Hawnds Wefre Lewaves
H4r Hxnds Wrre Leaaves H4er Hxands Wrere Leves He4r Haxnds Werre Levaes Hdr Hannds W4re Lezves Hder Hads W4ere Lezaves Hedr Hadns We4re Leazves
Hwr Hamds Wdre Leqves Hwer Hamnds Leqaves Hewr Hanmds Wedre Leaqves Hahds Wwre Lesves He Hahnds Wwere Her Hanhds Wewre Leasves
Hed Hajds Lewves Hajnds Wee Herd Hanjds Weer Leawves He4 Habds Wede Lexves Habnds Lexaves Her4 Hanbds Werde Leaxves

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