Money Honey

I want your money, honey,
I don't want you body
baby I don't need your love 2x

I want your money, honey
I don't want your body
Baby I don't need your love
'cause my heart is made of steal

I want your money, honey
Idon't want your body
baby I don't need your love
'cause I don't believe in love

Love is a memory that I keep on hiding deep in my soul
and every time I try to set my heart I loose myself so bad
life is a mystery no one knows the secrets to break through
and everytime I try to change my ways, I find myself alone

I don't know what to do,
all day I'm sad and blue
I'll never be that fool

I want your money honey
Idon't want your body
baby I don't need your love
'cause my heart is made of steal

I want your money honey
I don't want your body
baby I don't need your love
'cause I don't believe in love

I live in misery
I don't want to fight for love anymore
and every time I think of yesterday
I see how it was wrong

I know my destiny
I don' t want to shed my tears anymore
and every time I think of all my prayers
I know that I am strong !

I don't know what to do,
all day I'm sad and blue
I'll never be that fool

I want your money honey
Idon't want your body
baby I don't need your love !
'cause I don't believe in love

Mirror lyrics:

'cause I don't believe in love
baby I don't need your love !
Idon't want your body
I want your money honey

I'll never be that fool
all day I'm sad and blue
I don't know what to do,

I know that I am strong !
and every time I think of all my prayers
I don' t want to shed my tears anymore
I know my destiny

I see how it was wrong
and every time I think of yesterday
I don't want to fight for love anymore
I live in misery

'cause I don't believe in love
baby I don't need your love
I don't want your body
I want your money honey

'cause my heart is made of steal
baby I don't need your love
Idon't want your body
I want your money honey

I'll never be that fool
all day I'm sad and blue
I don't know what to do,

and everytime I try to change my ways, I find myself alone
life is a mystery no one knows the secrets to break through
and every time I try to set my heart I loose myself so bad
Love is a memory that I keep on hiding deep in my soul

'cause I don't believe in love
baby I don't need your love
Idon't want your body
I want your money, honey

'cause my heart is made of steal
Baby I don't need your love
I don't want your body
I want your money, honey

baby I don't need your love 2x
I don't want you body
I want your money, honey,

Relevant Tags:
MMoney HHoney oney oney oMney oHney joney joney jMoney jHoney Mjoney Hjoney koney uoney kMoney uHoney Mkoney Huoney noney noney
nMoney nHoney Mnoney Hnoney Mooney boney Mney bHoney Mnoey Hboney Mkney goney gHoney Mokney Hgoney M9ney yoney M9oney yHoney
Mo9ney Hyoney M0ney Hooney M0oney Hney Mo0ney Hnoey Mlney Hkney Mloney Hkoney Molney Hokney Miney H9ney Mioney H9oney Moiney Ho9ney
Monney H0ney Moey H0oney Moeny Ho0ney Momey Hlney Momney Hloney Monmey Holney Mohey Hiney Mohney Hioney Monhey Hoiney Mojey Honney
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