Ti Amo Ti Amo

Ti Amo Ti Amo I love you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I'm crazy for you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I love you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I'm crazy for you

The way you look at me
The way you love me
The way you look around
Can by my soul
My love is not a game
It's something special
It would never be the same
Without you boy
Again and again and again
I love you babe

Ti Amo Ti Amo I love you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I'm crazy for you

The rain is falling down
Over the window
My life is cloudy now
Without your love
So do the best you can
To be my lover
And tell me why you want
To walk away
Again and again and again
I need you babe

Ti Amo Ti Amo I love you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I'm crazy for you

Only you can make me wonder
Only you can make me cry

Ti Amo Ti Amo I love you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I'm crazy for you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I love you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I'm crazy for you

I'm crazy for you

Mirror lyrics:

I'm crazy for you

Ti Amo Ti Amo I'm crazy for you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I love you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I'm crazy for you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I love you

Only you can make me cry
Only you can make me wonder

Ti Amo Ti Amo I'm crazy for you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I love you

I need you babe
Again and again and again
To walk away
And tell me why you want
To be my lover
So do the best you can
Without your love
My life is cloudy now
Over the window
The rain is falling down

Ti Amo Ti Amo I'm crazy for you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I love you

I love you babe
Again and again and again
Without you boy
It would never be the same
It's something special
My love is not a game
Can by my soul
The way you look around
The way you love me
The way you look at me

Ti Amo Ti Amo I'm crazy for you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I love you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I'm crazy for you
Ti Amo Ti Amo I love you

Relevant Tags:
TTi AAmo TTi AAmo i mo i mo iT mAo iT mAo fi zmo fi zmo fTi zAmo fTi zAmo Tfi Azmo Tfi Azmo 5i qmo 5i qmo 5Ti qAmo 5Ti qAmo T5i Aqmo T5i Aqmo
hi smo hi smo hTi sAmo hTi sAmo Thi Asmo Thi Asmo yi wmo yi wmo yTi wAmo yTi wAmo Tyi Awmo Tyi Awmo 6i xmo 6i xmo 6Ti xAmo 6Ti xAmo T6i Axmo T6i Axmo
gi Ammo gi Ammo gTi Ao gTi Ao Tgi Aom Tgi Aom ri Ajo ri Ajo rTi Ajmo rTi Ajmo Tri Amjo Tri Amjo

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